Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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You’ve Got To See This!!!

I absolutely love my church, Christ Community Church in Leawood, Kansas. You would, too, if you had the unadulterated joy of witnessing performances like this, a special song our minister of music wrote. Randy Bonifield penned this puppy in response to Pastor Tom Nelson’s current teaching on the book of Daniel, and specifically in response to the chapters of Daniel that deal with the End Times.

For the best entertainment you’ll have all day, ESPECIALLY if you were subjected to repeated viewing of the scary Christian movie “A Thief In The Night” when you were young and impressionable, check out Randy’s creation on YouTube. Destined to become a classic!

Let me know what you think. And leave a comment on YouTube, too!

Posted by Katy on 08/14/07 at 02:57 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. LOL!!! Oh boy. I remember one particular nightmare I had in the 1970's thanks to End Times preaching/teaching. I can relate it to you today as if it were a movie I just saw. Anyway, thanks for this, Katy. I sent the link to the music minister at my church. Andy has a wacky sense of humor, and he'll adore this.

    Posted by Robin  on  08/14/07  at  04:31 PM
  2. you look pretty nice in your pictures
    Posted by thepaintman  on  08/14/07  at  09:51 PM
  3. we laughed at that one, katy..when i was a kid at the age when i started perusing my dad's bookshelves for entertainment, i discovered (and devoured)those crazy novels, 666 and 1000, and a few others whose titles escape me..i remember watching A Thief in the Night several times with the ol' youth group, and YES it scared me!

    That was a nice little happy gift your friend shared :)
    Posted by lisa  on  08/15/07  at  09:31 PM
  4. Interesting site. Worth the visit!
    Posted by Letterfallen  on  12/05/07  at  05:22 AM
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    Posted by GooodAmerica  on  12/05/07  at  09:38 AM
  6. Incredible site!
    Posted by Southofficea  on  12/05/07  at  12:09 PM
  7. I love guest books, keep up the good work!
    Posted by Pediabattlestargalactica  on  12/05/07  at  07:18 PM
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    Posted by Chroniclealiensinamerica  on  12/08/07  at  02:22 PM
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    Posted by Lordheist  on  12/09/07  at  03:37 AM
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    Posted by Waysmallville  on  12/09/07  at  12:03 PM
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