Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Words To Avoid Living By?

Any mottos you love, but refuse to live by?

I’ve got a sign in my kitchen that reads “Life Is Uncertain. Eat Dessert First.” I love it, and I lived it for the first 46 years of my life, but no more.

Still, there’s no way I’ll take down the sign. NO WAY! It makes me smile, without inducing me to consume any sugar, every time I look at it.

I also love the old bumper sticker that says “We’re Spending Our Children’s Inheritance”—most often seen on RVs driven by contented pensioners—but I’m not planning to live by that motto, either.

Even “There Are Two Kinds Of People—The Irish, And Those Who Wish They Were” speaks to my soul, but I’m way too generous-hearted to live so exclusively. There’s no point in making the less fortunate feel hopeless, after all.

How about you? Any mottos you’re crazy about, but prevented from fully embracing by conscience or good sense?

I’d love to know.

Posted by Katy on 10/28/05 at 12:43 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. And if mottos is spelled with an "e," I do apologize!
    Posted by Katy  on  10/28/05  at  12:53 PM
  2. That's a toughie, since the only mottos I really live by are from the Bible or the single "no regrets."

    I guess I don't live by the regrets one anymore, since getting saved I've seen my mistakes and I regret them... but I also know that I've been forgiving because of Christ so I don't know...)

    I'll have to keep my eye out on this!
    Posted by Lynn  on  10/30/05  at  04:36 PM
  3. forgiven, even. =P
    Posted by Lynn  on  10/30/05  at  04:37 PM
  4. my husband has a shirt that says "the luckiest people marry italians" (he was coerced into buying that one instead of 'pray for me, i married an italian', but i digress..)
    - it's not one i refuse to live by, it just doesn't apply to me (being the italian). but i do love it :).
    Posted by lisa  on  10/30/05  at  09:08 PM
  5. "Think before you speak" comes to mind!
    Posted by edieraye  on  10/31/05  at  07:13 AM
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