Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Wipe Out

Tomorrow’s our young son’s court date. We were advised by essentially everyone in the universe to get a lawyer, so we did. He’s an old friend of ours, actually, a man who regularly deals with the judges and prosecuting attorneys in the county in question. He asked us what our goals were as far as a favorable outcome. We only had two that mattered: That our kid not have a permanent blot on his record for selling a pack of cigarettes to a minor in a sting operation, and that he be allowed to leave the country in two days.

It looks like the terms have been worked out already, and that our showing up in court will be something of a formality involving the handing over of several checks with our siggies. Hey, there’s a great motto for us: Siggies for Ciggies.

Yesterday morning, Doug and I took his mother to the hospital for a CT of her abdomen. We never DID know what caused the abscesses to fill her abdomen, adhering to intestines and organs, 18 months ago. Post-surgically, she was not followed up on sufficiently, IMO. I’ve been pushing for another scan for months and finally got the doctor to order it. We’ll see.

In the meantime, our daughter has contracted a severe case of influenza and we are struggling not to breathe on the same planet with her. After several phone calls, my son has acquired his very own prescription of Tamiflu, to be started in case symptoms set in, which as everyone knows would be most likely to occur while flying over the Atlantic. Pity the poor passengers sharing that cooped-up flight!

The book launching party in honor of Scott was a resounding success and oh, so much fun. I think there must have been 60 people here Saturday night, cheerful but unwitting exposees to the influenza one and all.

Today I am exhausted and have had difficulty keeping my eyes open. I hope Doug and I—who imagine ourselves to be too young and healthy to get flu shots but who are wrong!—manage to elude the worst of the germs.

That’s all, folks. I’m going to bed.

Posted by Katy on 01/30/07 at 04:42 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Sure hope you sleep well and elude thoseflu germies, too.

    Posted by Vicki  on  01/31/07  at  06:29 PM
  2. Vicki--Thank you! My young son, headed back to school in Switzerland, began to succumb last night. We assaulted him with prayers, vitamins, herbs, fluids, and Tamiflu. He seems better! A lot better.

    Doug and I are fine so far. And we're throwing a suprise party tomorrow night, so I hope we can fumigate and air out the house, and go forward with our plans.

    You are sweet!
    Posted by Katy  on  02/02/07  at  09:17 AM
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