Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Which Brand Of Toothpaste Do They Use Up There?

So Mom and I were discussing the fact that now she's spent all these many weeks in physical and occupational therapy, only to be told she'll have to go through surgery after all.

"I've used ankle weights to make my legs strong," she said, "and they've taught me how to dress myself with one arm in a sling. I can comb my own hair and brush my own teeth...and now I'm starting over."

I tried to think of something to say that would make her feel that all this effort hadn't been wasted. "Mom, think how much muscle you've got now, and how your fine motor skills are developed. That will serve you well on the other side."

Her eyes got big and then a knowing look crossed her countenance.


For my mom, jumping to this conclusion very nearly approximated a religious experience.

"Mom, I'm hoping we don't have to brush our teeth in heaven! I meant the other side of surgery..."

"Oh," she said. "That."

While we were still chuckling, an announcement came over the loud speaker. "Bible study at 2:30 in the activity room. All are welcome!"

"Let's go, Mom. We could use a little Bible study."

She protested at first, but finally changed her mind. Just considering "the other side" must have made an impression.
Posted by Katy on 09/29/05 at 03:39 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. How exciting! :-)
    Posted by ValMarie  on  09/29/05  at  11:13 PM
  2. Aw! I've been praying something like this would happen.
    Posted by violet  on  09/30/05  at  03:13 AM
  3. Katy, I _like_ your mom, but I love how you treat her with such tenderness. Your blog is a blessing. Wish my mom was still around to visit.
    Posted by Bonnie  on  09/30/05  at  10:15 PM
  4. Is she not... -confused- Anywho. Aww! Yay!
    Posted by Lynn  on  10/01/05  at  05:29 AM
  5. Katy,
    I happened onto your website and think it is "delightful"... the word I like to slip into a conversation. You are such a positive writer. It's refreshing to read your entries.
    Posted by Carol  on  10/04/05  at  01:06 AM
  6. If we do brush our teeth in heaven, I hope we get to use Crest...tartar control paste, NOT gel!


    I remember going into surgery (before I was a believer), and my roommate at the time said "don't go toward the light". I laugh now, but actually, knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have been going toward the light, I would have stumbled into darkness and that thought terrifies me.

    Prayed for your Mom.
    Posted by Susan L. Prince  on  10/12/05  at  10:08 PM
  7. I would have thought like your Mom. I even thought that from your title, even before reading. Perhaps you meant 'up on the surgical floor?' :)

    My husband just spent 10 days in the hospital, with surgery in the middle of those days. AND, they use whatever toothpaste you bring with you. :)

    Love your writing.
    Posted by Barb  on  10/12/05  at  11:03 PM
  8. Came here because of the Christian Carnival. May I commend you (no doubt others have) on the graphics used on your blog? They are great!
    Posted by Martin LaBar  on  10/13/05  at  02:12 AM
  9. Thanks to you "old" commenters (regardless of age, of course!) and welcome to you new!

    Carol--I needed your reassurance. Lately I know I've written a lot about my mother, which can seem depressing, but I'm trying to chronicle all the sides of caring for a parent (the uplifting included!).

    Susan--Don't tell me we'll need tartar control in heaven!! Or whitening or straightening or filling! I say we should get to brush out teeth just because we like the feeling and the taste, but not because we need to! What do you think? A good plan, yes? Thanks for the prayer, very much.

    Barb--I LOVE it when people say they think like my Mom, because I've always thought she's one of a kind. There are others? WOW!! :)

    Martin--Thanks! The chick in the corner I found on a piece of stationary and the French perfume labels are stickers, also from my stationary collection. I laid it out the way I liked it, chose colors, and put my techie hubby to work making it happen--which I couldn't do to save my soul! Glad you like it.
    Posted by Katy  on  10/13/05  at  02:57 PM
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