Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Where Has She Been All Her Life?

I called Mom early this morning, right after she should have finished breakfast. I hoped to catch her before she went down for her after breakfast nap, which comes right before her before lunch nap.

Too late. She was sound asleep.

Still, she wanted to talk, so we talked. Um…kind of.

“I am SO MAD,” she said.

“What happened?”

“I woke up at midnight, and patted myself and realized that I had on a diaper!”


“And I got furious to think none of my daughters told them that I do not wear diapers!”

“Except that you have for the past three months or so…”

“I NEVER wear diapers when I am in my own home, and this is my home!”

And she’s been back there for five weeks already. This is the first time she figured this out?

“Mom, you can go back to wearing your own underwear, with a pad. All we care is that you have some protection, so that you don’t pee on the floor and slip in it.”

“They started making me wear diapers because six drops of pee landed on the floor. That makes me so mad.”

“You’ve fallen twice now in a puddle of pee, Mom…”


“Okay. Well, Mary’s supposed to bring you a new supply today. Tell her she can just take them back to Walmart.”

“Or she can give them to her grandkids.”

“Um…I don’t think they’d fit, would they?”

You should know that my mother weighs 250 pounds.

“Why not?”

“Mom, I think it’s going to be a while before any of those little kids weighs over 200 pounds.”

A pause, during which I hope and pray she’s putting 25 and 200 together.

“Well, I don’t know how much they weigh!”

I’m not going for a chuckle here, people. Right this minute, I’m rather dismayed. I’ll find something to laugh about later today, I’m sure.

I’m going to need a venti latte first, that’s all I know.

Posted by Katy on 12/14/05 at 09:41 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Insert sad smile here. We'll all be in your shoes sooner or later. :)
    Posted by Heather  on  12/14/05  at  12:20 PM
  2. Just don't spill the latte! Your car already smells like coffee...

    I'll have to call her later and see how she is with me. I'll let you know. I really think that she's starting to lose it sometimes. :(
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/14/05  at  01:44 PM
  3. Katy, I haven't read for a while so am way behind in the latest developments. All I can say is, Oh my!

    We've had our second adventure in this department in the weekend just past. My husband returned yesterday from helping move his parents to an AL place this weekend. But that whole deal was ultra-smooth compared to what you have been and are going through! I'll be praying for you and your family.
    Posted by violet  on  12/14/05  at  06:48 PM
  4. She sounds adorable, still, but I understand the not chuckling...*hugs* I shall pray for her, eh?
    Posted by Lynn  on  12/16/05  at  02:05 AM
  5. Well, Mom has been very odd all week. Saying LOTS of things that don't make sense. Sleeping way too much. I understand that episodes of very low blood sugar can cause brain damage, which is a consideration. She bottomed out again yesterday. Also, she may have a concussion from the fall, although the CT of her head looked fine.... So much to think about, to pray about...Thanks, you guys!
    Posted by Katy  on  12/17/05  at  10:10 AM
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