Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Where Are They Now?

nunSister Ursula Marie was a trip in 1968, tottering on the brink of senility, if she hadn't stumbled off the edge altogether. She made life at the all girls' academy for young Christian women worth waking up for.

When I was a freshman in high school, my schedule was mercifully the same every day. I traveled from one classroom to the next, in the same order Monday through Friday. There was no need to carry a printed schedule to verify what "day" you were on. A girl could manage it in her sleep if she had to.

But that was before modular scheduling was introduced to our fair campus, and just before the nightmares kicked in.

In my horrible dreams, which recur to this day, I am perpetually lost. My schedule has disappeared, and there is no time to stand in line in the school office to request another. I am late for class, floundering around campus, scanning the crowd for bodies that look familiar, ones who seem to be slouching toward whatever class my subconscious has me down for at 2 pm on Wednesday.

"What do you have now?" I call out to a fellow student. If she calls back, "English!", and I know she's in my English class, I'll follow her anywhere.

Most nights, this works out OK. Most nights, Sister Ursula arrives to class later than I do, visibly scattered and much more confused. Most nights, I breathe a snore of relief.

Last night was different.

Last night, Ursula appeared to me in a fifties-style sundress, hose and heels, her hair fresh from pincurls, and Cherry Blossom lipstick. She'd lost her stutter, and had a small daughter in tow. It was Take Your Daughter to Work Day.

Dream by dream, Sister Ursula Marie gets younger and whippier, more eloquent and stylish. And I become more insecure in the presence of one who used to make me feel, by default, like all that.

If I could have stopped this dream cycle after one or two episodes, believe me, I would have. But now it's gone on for thirty-five long years, and evidently come full circle.

Sister Ursula's in the splashy sundress, and I've got one more bad habit.
Posted by Katy on 04/23/03 at 08:09 AM
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