Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Whatever Works

I mentioned that Starbucks was going to have to go, didn’t I?

Today marks Day Seven Of Starbucks Withdrawal. (Mantra: God is in control, and this is good for me.)

The thing is, Doug and I have racked up quite a habit at our local establishment. It’s four years running now, and frankly, we could have financed a significant hunk of our baby’s college education on what we’ve imbibed.

And not only that: Every time I read about the investors who got into Starbucks on the “ground” level and made their fortunes, I see cappucino. Or mocha. Or maybe green tea. Take your pick.

I lamented about it to Mom this morning.

“You know what? If I’d invested a measly $10,000 in Starbucks in 1987, I’d be sittin’ on 5 mil right now.”

“It seems to me,” she said, “that you’ve invested quite a bit in that place.”

“Yeah, but Mom, I’ve peed it all away.”

What she said next made me realize how much I love the old girl.

“Well, Katy, you DO like to pee.”

Posted by Katy on 06/21/06 at 05:58 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Ha! 50 points for mom. :)
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  06/21/06  at  08:03 PM
  2. cute and funny. No wonder I like you so much.

    Take Care
    Posted by Michael #2  on  06/21/06  at  08:04 PM
  3. Jeanne--I will tell Mom about her point accumulation! She loves points nearly as much as I do. :)

    Michael #2--Aw, thanks. You are one very special Michael!
    Posted by Katy  on  06/23/06  at  07:09 AM
  4. And I'll just add here that today is day #9 without Starbucks. And holding. Holding what? Not much. It's like my hand is permanently formed to fit around a venti. Sheesh.
    Posted by Katy  on  06/23/06  at  07:11 AM
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