Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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What If He Were YOUR Son?

If you got an email like this from your baby son, the one you hadn’t seen for THREE WHOLE MONTHS and who you would not be seeing until January 17, what would YOU do?? Especially after reading the last line? I’m tellin’ you what.

“hello mother.

some news from switzerland. i need money. i know these are hard times for us all, but i still must ask. they are asking for the money to stay in the room over christmas, on the days before i leave (to see the world). so i said i would be here at the school, i think, five days out of the break. they are asking for 250 swiss francs for accomodation and food. also they want the money for graduation dinner this week which is 103 swiss francs. that equals 353Sfr or 292.267 US dollars.

in other news: i love you! it may sound like i am trying to sweet talk you, but i assure you i am.


Honestly, what WOULD you do?

Posted by Katy on 11/28/06 at 09:41 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. seriously, i love (sweet talking) you.
    Posted by kevin  on  11/28/06  at  10:00 AM
  2. I'd hand over the cash. His adorableness is more convincing than a gun.
    Posted by Doug Raymond  on  11/28/06  at  10:03 AM
  3. I'd give him the money... he's your son!
    Posted by Pattie  on  11/28/06  at  10:11 AM
  4. definitely send the money 'specially after that comment :)
    Posted by Tess  on  11/28/06  at  11:06 AM
  5. "hello mother?"

    I'd be real tempted to write back...

    Hello Son,

    I love you too. I would think a budding chef could whip up his own dinner, and since you're off to see the world why not take off early?

    P.S. The lead is the most important part of a paragraph.

    Then I'd send him the cash :)

    Michael 1 of many...
    Posted by Michael Main  on  11/28/06  at  02:28 PM
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