Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Water Log

We don't own a rain gauge, but let's just say we've had about a gazillion inches of the stuff in the last 48 hours, officially ending a horrible drought.

"The neighbor's pond's looking better," eighteen-year-old Kevin says. "Can't even see the shopping cart."

That's life in the boonies.
Posted by Katy on 08/31/03 at 08:14 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. so that's what that thing was! I left home in wonder...
    Posted by Carrie  on  09/01/03  at  09:16 AM
  2. Oh, yeah, baby! We've got it all...
    Posted by katy  on  09/01/03  at  10:55 AM
  3. Katy, you're not helping the stereotype that many people have of Kansas. <br><br>I mean, shopping cart in a pond? You might as well believe that I go to work in the hospital wearing a short skirt, five inch heels, and a tube top. With the wind perpetually blowing in my hair. ;)
    Posted by Maria  on  09/01/03  at  06:14 PM
  4. Maria--Is it still a stereotype if it's the truth? Tee, hee. About the shopping cart, I mean. Not the tube top in California. We all know what California girls are like.
    Posted by katy  on  09/01/03  at  09:31 PM
  5. hehe, i was assuming from the tube top comment that you lived in arkansas or something. :)
    Posted by bethany  on  09/02/03  at  04:58 PM
  6. hey now ... in arkansas it would be the ever-popular hankerchief used as a "top".
    Posted by lindsey  on  09/02/03  at  08:18 PM
  7. i ran over a little family of skunks driving home the other night. how's that for stereotyping rural kansans?
    Posted by lisa  on  09/04/03  at  04:40 PM
  8. Bethany and Lindsey--I fear you know whereof you speak.

    Lisa--Ok. Why did that make me sad? I need help!
    Posted by katy  on  09/06/03  at  02:40 PM
  9. probably the "little family" part that did it...though i can't think of a better way to describe it. i had all my kids with me and after the shock and shudders wore off, had to explain the whole thing. so i do not retell that story numbly...but it is still a great hallmark of life out here - the roadkill is impressive (if one is impressed by sheer numbers, that is)
    Posted by lisa  on  09/06/03  at  04:34 PM
  10. Yes, of course. It was the "little family"! My former pastor's son almost got killed on his way home from college once, trying not to hit a duckie family! If I remember right, the duckies came out OK on the deal. Did the skunks stink?
    Posted by katy  on  09/06/03  at  04:42 PM
  11. they did...and so did my poor little focus wagon for a couple of days...
    Posted by lisa  on  09/07/03  at  03:38 PM
  12. Maria and others - let's be clear here - the Raymonds live in rural Missouri, _not_ Kansas. That's just enough closer to Arkansas that the shopping cart makes sense. Now I'm not saying my neighbours with the car lot in their front porch are better, but let's keep the facts straight.
    Posted by petes  on  09/08/03  at  01:42 PM
  13. Lisa, Eeewww!

    Peter, You're absolutely correct. Kansas has no room for shopping carts in ponds. They're too busy hosting the world's largest ball of twine.
    Posted by katy  on  09/08/03  at  02:36 PM
  14. ...and we're very proud of that twine (ok, i'm not a native kansan and have never actually SEEN the thing, but from what I know about the work ethic in these here farm communities, I'm sure it's a beaut :)
    Posted by lisa  on  09/08/03  at  03:52 PM
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