Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Twenty-Somethings, One And All

Tonight, at midnight, Doug and I will reach a milestone (not a millstone) in our marriage. At the stroke of twelve, we will officially resign from the duties and responsibilities of raising teenagers.

Our baby, Kevin Patrick, turns twenty tomorrow.

It's a more bittersweet feeling than I imagined it would be. When I told Doug this was our last day of parenting a teen, his response was one I never expected, especially since we hadn't ever seriously considered his idea when we were younger.

"Let's adopt," he said.

And you know what that tells me? It tells me that my husband, just like me, considers raising our kids to be the best, most valuable, most satisfying thing we've ever done. So much so, that we'd almost entertain the notion of starting all over again.

Did I mention that we have the three best kids in the world?

Happy Birthday, Dear Kevin...
Posted by Katy on 01/09/05 at 08:11 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. What a great set of parents. I can't imagine the emotional rollercoaster raising kids will be, but it is something I look forward to. In the future. In a decade. No sooner, God, please. Thanks! Ha!
    Posted by Kevin  on  01/10/05  at  03:39 AM
  2. Katy, your kids are so blessed to have you & Doug for parents. My mom once told me she was grateful she only had me & my bro coz if she'd had just one more child we'd all have definitely driven her insane! I think I was in my teens at the time...

    Of course, she's also the one who told me I was the 'guinea pig' coz I'm the eldest. *rolls eyes* But I know she loves me :)
    Posted by irene  on  01/10/05  at  05:32 AM
  3. Awesome, Katy. I know how Doug feels. I mean, I really do. Sally and I got pregnant at 44 and 46 respectively and now are 16 years from the last H.S. graduation.

    Actually, that's the subject of the book I'm working on.Which I promised to tell you about. And I will, but I'm hoping to do it offline because it's far too long a story..

    Did you guys get the email I sent last week from the link on Doug's site? Have your people call my people.
    Posted by Michael  on  01/10/05  at  08:31 AM
  4. I hate to argue with such a gracious and lovely host, but I have two boys that already have the top honors of being the best kids in the world.

    Take Care
    Posted by Michael  on  01/10/05  at  03:37 PM
  5. What blessed children you have! And I agree totally. Raising kids is the best, most valuable, most satisfying thing my husband and I ever done. And we've got years ahead of us yet - our oldest is 13 and our youngest only 9.

    Happy birthday to your baby!
    Posted by Tina  on  01/10/05  at  03:59 PM
  6. Katy, my husband and I are getting closer to that milestone. My baby, Elizabeth, turns 18 next month. I never thought I'd have empty-nest-syndrome, but I feel a slight panic at the thought of all my kids being gone! My children are among the chief joys of my life.
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  01/11/05  at  02:40 PM
  7. Not sure how serious he was, but adoption sure would be a wonderful thing to do for an an orphan who could really use a family.
    Posted by FTM  on  01/11/05  at  02:45 PM
  8. I appreciate all of your kind comments! Parenting IS the best work we've ever done, but that doesn't mean Doug and I are the best parents out there. Trust me on this! Some day, our kids will let it slip how much they've spent on therapy. Until then, the jury's out... :)
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/16/05  at  10:05 PM
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