Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Trading Spaces

I have three desks in our home.

The built-in desk in the hallway is wonderful, custom-designed for me by Doug when we worked with the architect on the house plans. I absolutely love looking at it, and have decorated it with purses and high-heeled shoes and pearls and gloves, but I don't work well there. The distractions are too many and too frequent. My plots end up revolving around characters who do dishes and transfer laundry from the washer to the dryer, because that's what I end up doing when I sit there.

My desk in Doug's office is more industrial looking. I hate it, which is good. That way, when I am forced by concerns of both our business and personal finances to sit there and make hay, I stop at nothing to get the job done efficiently. It's a real get-in-and-get-out kind of desk.

The desk in my bedroom is my current desk-of-choice. It is large, with three file drawers and three smaller drawers. It has plenty of space for my laptop and a lamp, a vase, clock, piggy bank, stacks of books, framed pictures of my husband and kids, and my collection of ink wells.

It sits squarely inside the middle two windows of a four-window bay, looking out on our own three-acre wood. On sunny days, the curtains hang down to block the brightness. But on my favorite days, cloudy ones like today, the curtains on the middle two windows are each gathered and draped as smoothly as liquid on the side edges of the desk.

I've never had a canopy bed, though I've wanted one my whole life. What I have now is even better, because I'm wide awake to enjoy it.

I have a canopy desk.
Posted by Katy on 11/04/03 at 11:05 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Cute!
    Posted by Bridget  on  11/04/03  at  01:02 PM
  2. Ah, nice. Close my eyes, and I'm there.
    Posted by Pob  on  11/05/03  at  12:27 PM
  3. ME TOO! That's is cloudy days can be my favorite. But it needs to be a little bit brisk and chilly outside so you can curl up with hot tea and read or write.
    Posted by hanna  on  11/05/03  at  07:13 PM
  4. If you ever really do want to "trade spaces," we'd be more than glad to trade! :)
    Posted by timsamoff  on  11/09/03  at  04:33 PM
  5. Pob, Glad to give you a little retreat!

    Hanna, Brisk and chilly. Oh, yeah, baby.

    Tim, We could do a kind of vacation trade. You guys stay a week here, and we a week there, and pretend like we really went somewhere. That could be fun.
    Posted by katy  on  11/13/03  at  10:30 AM
  6. I want to use it for school .. it is a nice office desk with 2 drawers one small one and one really deep one. and on the side there are 2 shelfts and at the top there is a shelf too. there is this slide out drawer for a key pad but i dont put a computer there so it's filled with junk and papers. How can i organize my desk? and kind of bins, tins etc that i should get please help!!
    Posted by furniture  on  04/14/11  at  11:40 PM
  7. While it's fairly common to call a limo service for a prom, wedding, or graduation, there are a truly endless number of occasions that could benefit from the little extra spark that a limousine provides.
    Posted by Brampton limousine  on  08/02/11  at  02:00 AM
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