Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Too Much Fun!

Have you ever sat around (with too much free time, obviously) and googled first names, just to see how far down you are?

It seems to me that if you google the name George, either George Bush or George Clooney should be Number One. Instead, we’ve got George Washington. Then the president. Poor George Clooney rates Number Six, after George High Quality Pet Products and a web comic strip called George.

Does that seem fair to you?

I googled Jennifer, since several stars share that name. Jennifer Lopez came in at Numero Uno, but Jennifer Anniston trailed the company that makes sofabeds, Jennifer Convertibles. Weird, huh?

I figured either Nicole Kidman or Nicole Richie would take the top spot for that first name, but it went to a chick in The Pussycat Dolls. Heck, Nicole Richie didn’t weigh in until Number Five.

You’d think of all the Toms out there, Tom Cruise would be at the top of the heap, but no. Tom Anderson, the president of MySpace took the honors. Tom Cruise lagged behind at #4, after (I am not making this up) Tom’s Hardware.

And then there’s the name Katy. Now if I were named Katie, I’d have to contend with Katie Holmes and Katie Couric, among others. I realize that the spelling of my name is not the most common, but it’s not THAT unusual.

People! If you google the name Katy, you’ll get a couple of sites for Katy, Texas, and the Katy Trail, and the Katy Railroad. But of all the individuals named Katy in THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE KNOWN TO HUMANKIND, I am listed FIRST.

I don’t know what this means, honestly. It could just mean that I’ve been blogging longer than most users of facebook have been alive, and so search engines have no choice but to grudgingly acknowledge my longevity. But it is still fun, and if it constitutes my fifteen minutes, I’m sure not gonna turn it down!

Happy weekend, everyone!


Posted by Katy on 04/11/08 at 06:39 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. What amazes me is that I must scroll to page 3 when I google my first name! Who would have thought so many crazy people would use the apostophe! Of course almost all the ones before me are "professionals" with listings on legitimate websites. Maybe I'll move up in the world when I get more than just a blog, which I hope to do very soon.

    Now first and last name? I'm it.
    Posted by D'Ann Mateer  on  04/11/08  at  08:24 PM
  2. Well, being first will be such a great way for your readers to find you when you're Miss Fancy Pants Novelist!
    Posted by Christa  on  04/11/08  at  09:53 PM
  3. I've never tried it. How fun though
    Posted by Angela  on  04/11/08  at  11:15 PM
  4. I've tried my full name before, but not just the first, so I did that tonight. The first entry was the site www.behindthename.com. Did anyone else see it? It's interesting - gives you some history of your name, popularity, people's comments - something I hadn't seen before. What better thing to do on a Friday night, right? Oh yeah, go to sleep. :-) Good night.
    Posted by Jeannine  on  04/12/08  at  02:24 AM
  5. First is fabulous!

    I ran out of patience looking to see how far down the list I was.

    Take Care
    Posted by Michael #2  on  04/12/08  at  12:29 PM
  6. I have Googled myself before using my full name, but after getting 16 pages in I ran out of patience trying to find me.
    Don't mind me. I'm bitter about the Secretary of State in Florida stealing my 15 minutes of fame.
    Posted by Kathryn Harris  on  04/14/08  at  03:52 PM
  7. Not to be a blog pest or anything but: It only took six pages to find me on Yahoo! Coincidentally, I found myself on Yahoo! because it was listed under YOUR blog. How funny is that?
    Posted by Kathryn Harris  on  04/17/08  at  02:56 PM
  8. Unfortunately, Bridget Jones beats me out by a mile.
    Posted by Bridget  on  04/22/08  at  05:22 PM
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