Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Here's a question that's more challenging the older you get, and since I'll turn fifty soon, I'm plenty challenged:

"When was the last time you did something you've never done before?"

Being a visitor in a psych unit was new for me, an experience everyone should have at least once. I don't, however, plan to expand my resume by becoming a patient there.

I'm also getting a little professional counseling, a first for me--not because I haven't needed it, but because I'm chicken.

How about you? Do you intentionally stretch yourself by taking on new experiences? I'm curious.

Posted by Katy on 09/17/03 at 08:59 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Next time you see me ask me about the time my aunt came into my room at four in the morning to let me know (because I "was interested in politics") that she was now the acting president of the United States.
    Posted by cro  on  09/17/03  at  10:08 AM
  2. Wow, Christian! She really does reach for the stars, doesn't she? Nothing like an ambitious woman.
    Posted by katy  on  09/17/03  at  10:33 AM
  3. You always make me think and this is a tough one. With the exception of recently mowing the lawn for the first time in my life I cant say that I have stretched all that far...but now you've sparked me so off I go to find something new to try!
    Posted by April  on  09/17/03  at  12:18 PM
  4. April--I tried mowing once. Actually, once with an old-fashioned non-electric rotary mower, which was too heavy for me to push, and once on our riding mower. I'm too short to reach the pedals on it, so I'm off the mowing hook! Someday, though, I'm going to go to one of those car washes where you do it yourself. I've been thinking about that one for a while, so I think it's time....Have fun!
    Posted by katy  on  09/17/03  at  12:43 PM
  5. I just tried those Cookies & Twix bars for the first time. Does that count?
    Posted by Mary  on  09/17/03  at  02:11 PM
  6. Mary, OMG, that SO counts! I bought those for my kid and he loved them. If you'd like to describe them in luscious detail here, I won't mind a bit...
    Posted by katy  on  09/17/03  at  02:18 PM
  7. Yes, the psych ward is certainly interesting, eh? ;) I'm glad you went. Many people simply can't bring themselves to go there.

    God willing, I hope that I will be accepted to the psychiatry program at Columbia (in NYC). I've had my entire education in California, and I'm thinking it's time to try something new.

    God willing, of course.
    Posted by Maria  on  09/17/03  at  02:47 PM
  8. Maria, New York would be a wonderful change and a great experience. I'm always surprised by how willing God turns out to be when I'm ready!

    Psych unit: Wow. My mom felt pretty OK by comparison, with only depression and anxiety troubling her. Interesting dynamic in which to attempt to get better!
    Posted by katy  on  09/18/03  at  12:25 PM
  9. i'm on the steering committe for our MOPS group as the publicity coordinater...i've certainly never put out a newsletter for a large group once a month before...but this morning i made it to our meeting with the first issue hot off the presses. (paper, of course katy ;)
    Posted by lisa  on  09/18/03  at  05:01 PM
  10. cro: i am now the acting president of the united sates. obey your leader.

    the last new thing i did was probably illegal, so i'm gearing up for something big. thanks for the reminder, mrs r. :)
    Posted by petes  on  09/19/03  at  12:49 PM
  11. Oooh, Lisa, you're a publisher! Doug and I published a newsletter for our church at one point, and an issue "hot off the press" was always exciting!

    Peter--Oh those pesky illegalities! (I have no doubt but that you're gearing up for something big!)
    Posted by katy  on  09/22/03  at  11:13 AM
  12. Hmm, I bought a car for the first time a handful of months ago.

    And not only that, I did it in a foreign country.

    And not ONLY that, it was a stick shift, and when I handed over the cash (yes, cash) to pay for it, I as yet didn't know how to drive it.

    I think those count for a lot of "never done something before"s!
    Posted by Ellen  on  09/23/03  at  04:20 AM
  13. you brave woman! the first car of our marriage was a peugeot, i didn't know how to drive it when we bought it...and though we did not buy it overseas, for this michigan girl, arizona may as well have been a foreign country. best of luck to you...and remember that the more you drive, the better it gets ;)
    Posted by lisa  on  09/23/03  at  04:54 PM
  14. Ellen, A good friend of mine, a priest at the time, tried to teach me to drive his stick shift BMW when I was 18. He left the priesthood soon after...tee, hee.
    Posted by katy  on  09/24/03  at  10:31 AM
  15. Lisa, We had a stick shift which we purchased together the year we got married. I was sure that my mellow husband, who was never a priest, could teach me how to drive it. I tried but I could NOT get the hang of it. Better that I should quit trying than end up divorced.
    Posted by katy  on  09/24/03  at  10:33 AM
  16. katy...it was very much trial and error for me...and if my hubby hadn't been so glad to be back in the southwest for the winter, i'm sure he would've had far less patience...and about the priest, all i can say is hmmm... ;)
    Posted by lisa  on  09/24/03  at  01:21 PM
  17. Yeah, it's alright now. In fact, I LOVE driving stick and when I come back to the states would buy one again. :)
    Posted by Ellen  on  09/24/03  at  03:37 PM
  18. Page 1 of 1 pages
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