Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Time Flies Even If You’re Not Exactly Having Fun

Today we got my mother completely moved into a new assisted living apartment.

I got home an hour ago after five months away from home. You think I’m exaggerating, huh? If only!

Between my mother-in-law’s near death experience in the early summer, and my mom’s nursing home stay, I’ve pretty much been an unpaid healthcare professional/patient advocate for approximately as long as I can remember.

My sister Liz just called to see if the cable guy had been to the apartment, and if Mom’s phone got hooked up. “And do you happen to know her new number?”

“I’m in bed,” I said, “but lucky for you I’m cuddled up with The Mom Three-Ring Binder.”

Yeah. That’s right. A binder full of all the info I need on a regular basis to keep Mom’s situation manageable and managed.

“Katy,” Liz said, “maybe it’s time you lose the binder for a while.”

I hope with all my heart it’s time.

If anyone would like to pray that Katy McKenna Raymond gets a life before she’s too old and decrepit to know what to do with one, I would not object!

I love you people.

Good night.

Posted by Katy on 11/07/05 at 05:23 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Unfortunately, we both know that the binder can't be put away quite yet. Maybe Liz wants to borrow it for a while...LOL. :) Sleep well, you deserve it.
    Posted by Bridget  on  11/07/05  at  09:37 PM
  2. Whew! I'm with you. We made a similar move for my mum last Tuesday. Meanwhile we're still involved with her old apartment and need to do stuff like get content insurance. But gradually things are being ticked off the list. I'm hoping to get my life back after Christmas - perhaps!
    Posted by violet  on  11/07/05  at  11:29 PM
  3. I wonder, sometimes, that these extended "trips" off the "main roads" of our lives prove to be more about us living our lives than not. It seems to be IN these "trips" that we discover who we are, what we're made of, human nature on a plethora of levels . . . and, in so doing . . . we experience life . . . as it is . . . raw and unprocessed.

    I think you have been living, Katy, these last five months. You have attended a writer's conference, you have found humor, you entertained a little boy whose parents were preoccupied, you've entertained guests, you have enjoyed Starbucks and panties! You have enjoyed friends, and you have reached out for strength and prayer and support. You have lived. And you are a much richer woman for it . . . and your chosen countenance through it has added to your Beauty :)

    Here's a toast to digging in and truly living through difficult times! You're doing a great job living through yours, Katy :)
    Posted by Ame  on  11/07/05  at  11:58 PM
  4. Bridgie--The binder weighed in heavily again today, but last night I purposely put it several feet away from the bed on the floor. Even that's something.

    Violet--I left a comment on your blog entry about Mama moving day. I hope she's settling in well and that your shoulder is better soon! I don't know about you, but I feel like an old chick doing a VERY young woman's job....

    Ame--I believe your perspective is much better than mine. And you've been through a lot, I know. I don't want to miss any living by wishing I were somewhere else, doing something else, even if times are tough. None of us can get back a single day once it's over--but we can enjoy the ones we've got.

    Thanks for your encouragement! :)
    Posted by Katy  on  11/08/05  at  01:13 PM
  5. Katy, I lived a lot of my life in the future - that the "best days of my life are ahead of me." When I finally realized my life-long dream to have children eleven years into our marriage, I realized that the very best days of my life are here, now. I think I piddled through too much of life waiting for the best years to come. I don't ever want to do that again . . . despite the circumstances surrounding me :)

    My 70-year-old mentor has told me many times: "When you have a lot of things going on at one time, you cannot give any undue attention to any one of them." Keeping up with your writing, finding laughter and joy in your days, keeping up relationships with friends . . . that's called sanity :)

    My mentor has also told me many times over the years, "Ann, God trusts you with this." You know, if God trusts me with "this," then living as though "this" is simply a means to an end and not life itself is really a lack of faith in my Sovereign God.

    God knows . . . but more comforting than that for me . . . God knew. Nothing that comes my way is a surprise to God . . . nothing. And nothing is wasted to God. May I never live my life piddling around again "waiting" for a time I have determined to be better than "this." May I be held accountable to live every day as if this IS it. Very hard; yet also very freeing and purposeful at the same time. Great job, Katy. Your transparency makes you real . . . and approachable.

    As my precious Life-Long Friend says to me, "Life is hard, but God IS good." Hard does not mean "wasted."
    Posted by Ame  on  11/08/05  at  02:28 PM
  6. Nice poses on the picture. I rally like it. keep your work up.
    Posted by Indie  on  07/25/09  at  12:39 AM
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