Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Throw Mama From The Brain?

I got my mom admitted to the hospital yesterday. Believe me, this is not my idea of fun. In fact, if I could——that is, if I was constitutionally able—-I would pretend like I did not see a medical disaster unfolding before my eyes. I would ignore blood sugar readings that fluctuate from 70 to 420 and back again in a matter of hours.

But instead, I bite the bullet and call the doctor. It falls to me, because it’s the week-end, when there are no actual “real” nurses at the facility where Mom lives. The doctor immediately—-upon my descriptions of the symptoms and numbers the staff at the facility are ignoring with ease—-agrees that she must be in the hospital to regulate her insulin regimen.

And so, we go. Now, the very fact that we’re going makes Mom very angry. Not so much at the situation, but at me. And she lashes out in her frustration, and you know what? It’s OK. I am a big girl now. And in the same way parenthood is not a popularity contest, neither is being the adult (responsible) child of an ill parent.

I didn’t sign up for this, except for, well, those pesky Durable Medical Power of Attorney papers.  :)  But apparently, it signed up for me. And part of courage is doing the right thing, even when you know way in advance of taking the first step that you will be inconvenienced beyond your wildest dreams, berated for your best efforts in the best interests of someone else, and called terribly rude names.

Right now, I’m one of the most wildly unpopular daughters on the face of the earth. But my mother is getting the care she needs and deserves.

That is enough for today.


Posted by Katy on 01/19/09 at 05:23 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Okay...I haven't gotten past the title of this blog yet because I'm cleaning up the coffee I snorted all over the table from laughing. You are one funny woman!
    Posted by Christa  on  01/19/09  at  11:38 PM
  2. Katy,
    None of us ever imagines that the table will turn around and we will be the one responsible to care for a parent. You are courageous beyond words, and in her heart of hearts, beneath the person she has become, the person she was knows that. She can't tell you, so I will. You are awesome! In addition, you are write a great story. So she gets a gift and the world gets a gift. Win - Win. Much Love and deep respect, Sandi
    Posted by Sandi Thompson  on  01/20/09  at  03:46 PM
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