Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
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Thoroughly Modern Carrie

My poor little girl had to endure Medical Procedures Of Horrific Magnitude in the middle of last night. I felt for her, and when I say that I mean that I’ve felt what she’s felt.

It’s not the blood draws in the ER that freak us out, people. It’s not even the insertion of the IV, no matter how many times they have to stab us delicately-veined chicks.

And it sure isn’t the CT scan of our heads to look for aneurysms or subarachnoid hemorrages or tumors as a logical explanation for a Headache Unlike Any Other The World Has Ever Known.

Even Carrie agrees that those Medical Procedures are a Reece’s Piece compared to the Dreaded Lumbar Puncture.

Tell me, who comes up with the names for these prodedures anyway? It was bad enough when they called it a Spinal Tap, but at least I could comfort myself with a picture in my scrawny little mind of a tiny faucet over a narrow little sink called a spine.

And then when they tell me my spinal fluid is leaking from the tap on a Sunday, I can just tell them to call a plumber and pay him overtime, right?

But, no. Those days are over. Now it’s a Lumbar Puncture, folks. And there’s just no way to come up with glossy 8x10 mental picture that looks like a classy bathroom fixture ad in Martha Stewart Living when they tell you you’re headed down the long, dark hall for a Lumbar Puncture.

But she lived to tell about it, and they found Nothing Terribly Remarkable, so that’s good. What’s bad is that Carrie had her first horrible migraine, which makes her an unhappy member of the club that already contains her mom, dad, and brother Scott.

We were on the phone long distance from 10 last night until 2:30 in the morning, getting frequent and wonderfully informed updates from Carrie’s boyfriend, Marc. I was on red alert, a condition I find myself in often, ready to burn up the highway getting to her if need be, but Marc handled the situation with grace and calm.

“How are you this morning?” I asked when I talked to Carrie a few minutes ago.

“Better,” she said. “But my back hurts. I want to get up and move around…”

“You don’t want to get The Spinal Headache from getting up too soon,” I said. “It might make you wish for the good old nights, I’m afraid.”

“I know, Mom, but my back…”

“Do you have a heating pad? That would help.”

Carrie sometimes suffers awful cramps, so I thought she might be well-equipped. Turns out she is, too—kind of.

“I’ve never needed one before,” she said. “I’ve got a laptop.”

She’s gonna be OK.

Posted by Katy on 01/03/06 at 10:08 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Oh, I'm so, so sorry. That's one thing I've never had to experience, but I know they are horrible!!! Get her on the migraine pills soon!
    Posted by Bridget  on  01/03/06  at  12:47 PM
  2. Your right, a spinal tap sounds a lot less horrifying. :) I’ve always heard they were very painful, but I’ve never had one myself. Anyway, I’m glad she’s doing better.
    Posted by Allyson  on  01/04/06  at  09:47 AM
  3. Bridgie--Yeah. The ER doc didn't prescribe any migraine meds, because he said her symptoms weren't "classic." And her insurance just changed on Jan 1, so she's got to find a new primary doc. I made her promise she'd take care of that this week!

    Allyson--Carrie handled the whole idea of a spinal tap a LOT better than I did. It freaked me out pretty bad, anticipation-wise. The reality is NOT as bad as the anticipation, IMO. Thank you for thinking of her!!
    Posted by Katy  on  01/04/06  at  10:24 AM
  4. Poor Carrie! And poor Mama! I don't know what's worse, having your own tortuous medical procedure or worrying about your daughter going through it.

    I dunno. Spinal Tap sounds just as frightening as Lumbar Puncture to me. Isn't there a sci fi horror book or movie by that name? Or is it a rock band?

    Healing wishes for Carrie as she snuggles up to her laptop.
    Posted by FindingJoy  on  01/04/06  at  08:12 PM
  5. Finding Joy--Welcome! If my blogging friend Jeanne were to show up in the comments section right about now, she could speak to your question. She has recommended this movie to me. I think it's called "This Is Spinal Tap." My understanding is that's it's a fake docudrama about a fake band by that name.

    Carrie's headache from hell tried to come back to day, but she caught it early and I think she's OK. I'd MUCH RATHER have pain inflicted upon myself than worry about my loved one's!!!

    You know how Dave Barry says, "Hey, that would make a great name for a rock band!"? I think the name of the brain tumor I had would be fabulous--The Acoustic Neuromas. What do you think?
    Posted by Katy  on  01/04/06  at  08:27 PM
  6. That's brilliant, Katy! I hate to laugh, but I LOVE the way you can find the humor in almost everything.
    Posted by FindingJoy  on  01/04/06  at  08:36 PM
  7. Finding Joy--Tee, hee. My eyes must be getting tired. When I read your last comment, I thought it said, "you can find the tumor in almost everything." And yes, I pride myself in that! :)
    Posted by Katy  on  01/04/06  at  09:08 PM
  8. In finding tumors? There is no end to your talents, girl!
    Posted by FindingJoy  on  01/04/06  at  09:12 PM
  9. It's weird how it's so much harder on us when it's our kids. That is sad. I hope they figure out what's wrong and how to fix it.
    Posted by Kathryn, the daring one  on  01/05/06  at  06:01 PM
  10. Kathryn--Today was her third day of bad headache. It always develops at work, in a hospital. I'm wondering if it's an allergy to a scent or a chemical. Tomorrow she goes to the doctor to try to figure this out...

    I offerred to drive to her town (2 1/2 hours away) to go with her, but she says it's time she does this on her own....WAAAAA!!!!
    Posted by Katy  on  01/05/06  at  07:46 PM
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