Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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This Is Dedicated To The One I Love

Mary DemuthI know Valentine’s Day isn’t for another week yet, but today I just can’t help myself.

Thirty years ago, I stopped asking random loser guys to Be My Valentine. It was the smartest decision I’ve ever made.

Instead of wasting my life, I focused my romantic intentions on one superbly amazing man—the most truly spiritual man I’d ever met, the kindest, gentlest, most generous man in the world.

They say that choosing the path less travelled makes all the difference, and I’m sure there’s truth in that. Especially when on that path is a man unlike any other you’ve ever known, unlike the common men who can be had for a meaningless gift or a careless flirtation.

When I met Doug, he’d already set himself on a singular path, a path not often chosen by the young and strong. He’d already decided to seek God’s direction, walk in His grace, and share His sacrificial love.

It still thoroughly astonishes me that God allows me to be the daily, lifelong recipient of the heartfelt gifts of such a gracious man.

Doug and I don’t always do a big Valentine’s thing, I have to admit. In fact, we rarely do. In a way, when you have what we have, it would be a bit redundant.

You see, every day is Valentine’s Day with the man I love.

Happy Every Day, Darling. Thank you, once again, for Being Mine.

Posted by Katy on 02/07/06 at 01:41 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Speaking on behalf of Finicky Friends of Ferny Forrests™ , not to mention random loser guys everywhere, we are grateful you and Doug found one another, thus salvaging dozen upon dozens of high quality trees which were later used as the Editorial Page of The New York Times and its Personals section. ("RLG to meet RLGRL 4 RLTHRLS!") ("Why RLG Bush lied about RLWMD")

    Happy Valentines you crazy kids!
    Posted by Michael O'Connor  on  02/07/06  at  03:23 PM
  2. Michael--Just so you know, PLENTY of trees have been harmed in this romance! (And I've got 30-gallon Rubbermaid totes filled with the cards and letters to prove it!) However, none of the beleagured trees were unnesessarily burdened with pointless seeking of random loser thrills! THAT makes me feel much better about the untimely demise of the forest's produce. :)
    Posted by Katy  on  02/07/06  at  03:36 PM
  3. Very Sweet. I especially like this line: "I stopped asking random loser guys to Be My Valentine."
    Posted by Kathryn, the daring one  on  02/07/06  at  08:25 PM
  4. I was already feeling really sappy tonight, and this just helped even more. I especially like the photo of you two. Did your daughter take it?
    Posted by Jackie  on  02/07/06  at  11:16 PM
  5. Congrats! You have been nominated for a blog award at One Woman's World!
    Posted by Heather  on  02/08/06  at  12:33 AM
  6. This is so sweet! I think God broke the mould when He made Doug, Katy. No wonder I keep meeting random loser guys instead... you snapped up the one who wasn't! hehee

    Seriously, it's beeautiful to see the way you speak of each other and how you're still so deeply in love after all these years. I don't know many married couples like that. (My own parents are together, but struggling.) We need more couples like you & Doug to give hope to us young'uns that marriage can be rich & beautiful, that it is possible to stick together through thick and thin and that romance can endure through it all!
    Posted by irene  on  02/08/06  at  06:34 AM
  7. Kathryn--Kansas City is home to Hallmark Cards, you know. I can't tell you how many times I "cared enough to give the very best" when I hadn't even met him yet! RLGuys...eeew!

    Jackie--Always happy to contribute to the random sap quotient! :) Yes, my beautiful daughter took a series of photos of her dear old Mom and Dad and put them in a neat collage frame for Doug's birthday. I have one more I plan to post...

    Heather--How much fun is this?? I will be casting my votes at One Woman's World later today. I am honored to be considered!

    Irene--It's funny. When I was younger, I didn't necessarily think many older couples had satisfying marriages. But now, I am friends with quite a number of very happily married older couples, and they're all a wonderful example of what marriage can be. I'm not saying they (and we) don't have "issues"--everyone does. ;)
    Posted by Katy  on  02/08/06  at  07:36 AM
  8. Aw. So sweet! And I love the picture.

    Your words echo in my heart. God gave me an equally glorious gift in the gorgeous Giorgio. (Okay, boys and girls, who can count the "g's" in that sentence?) Not that we haven't had to swim against the current now and then. But, by God's grace, the trials have made us stronger and drawn us even closer to Him and each other.

    Thanks for turning my thoughts toward my blessings today.
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  02/08/06  at  09:54 AM
  9. Aww. That's so sweet. I echo what Irene said...It's always such a blessing to see marriages where people are still enjoying each other after a few years of marriage. ;)
    Posted by Bethany  on  02/08/06  at  10:12 AM
  10. The secret is out. Here is a webpage that listed all top valentines day related sales and deals
    Posted by Karen  on  02/03/09  at  08:56 PM
  11. Page 1 of 1 pages
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