Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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The Two Best Days Of My Life!

I'm afraid I'm becoming prone to severe bouts of unabashed enthusiasm. Believe me, it's scary.

Last week, during the umpteenth week in a row from Somewhere Due Straight South Of Heaven, I had two public outbursts, unforeseen by me and unexplainable to others.

The first occurred on my mother's last day in the hospital, before my sister Bridget and I moved her into the nursing home for therapy. Bridget and I shared a punch card for the hospital lobby's coffee kiosk (not Starbucks, but as good as...) If we succeeded in purchasing ten drinks, we'd receive the eleventh free.

That morning, when I went down for my coffee break, the barista said, "What can I get you?"

"The usual," I said. "And I've got my punch card here somewhere..."

"Great, because today's Double Punch Day."

That's when things got, let's just say, emotionally dicey. And there's no explaining how I reacted at that moment except to say: Feelings happen.

"Double Punch Day? You've got to be kidding!! I'm so excited! This is like the BEST THING that's ever HAPPENNED to me!"

"Whoa..." she said, raising her hand like a plastic-gloved stop sign. "It doesn't take much for you, does it? But, I mean, that's really good if you can be happy with the little things..."

"This isn't a little thing! This is huge! Don't you see what this means?" I held out my card for her perusal. "After this latte, only two more punches and we'll be one punch away from a free drink!"

Later that day, Bridget purchased her drink, earning two more punches on our card. Then Mom got discharged from the hospital, and my enthusiasm for Double Punch Day necessarily waned.

Fast forward three days: My sister Liz called to tell me about the Chocolate Blow-Out Sale at the Russell Stover's Outlet Store.

"Even sugar-free?" I asked.

"Especially sugar-free," she said. "You've got to see it to believe it."

I'd been to the Outlet many times before and gotten some tremendous bargains on just-barely-past-the-holiday Easter candy and heart-shaped boxes of assorted creams. But this was different: This was Russell Stover's First Ever Self-Proclaimed Blow-Out Sale!

I had such a difficult time containing my enthusiasm that I failed entirely.

"Sugar-free peanut butter cups, at a price of six pounds for four dollars?" I said to the ho-hum clerk. "This is the single BEST DAY of my LIFE!"

"You're kidding, right?" she said, looking me straight in the eye as if trying to determine my age and level of dementia. "Your best day? You poor woman..." She scanned and bagged, scanned and bagged, either jaded by too much of a luscious thing or completely oblivious to the confectionary joys all around her.

I stood my ground. "I'm not kidding. This is the VERY best day of my life."

I can't explain my enthusiasm now any more than I could then. All I could do was struggle to the door with my enormous share of Chocolate Paradise, leaving her standing there, slack-jawed and wondering.
Posted by Katy on 08/21/05 at 02:46 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. What scares me is that I so totally understand.

    Posted by Robin  on  08/21/05  at  10:48 PM
  2. Not only do I understand, I'm really, really, really jealous. *Double punch* day!?!?
    Posted by SH  on  08/21/05  at  11:11 PM
  3. You crack me up! 100 points, Katy. :)
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  08/21/05  at  11:13 PM
  4. Robin--I'm so sorry to frighten you! Maybe I should try my hand at writing spine-tinglers, huh? :)

    Sarah--Starbucks would do well to have punch cards, don't you think? And Double Punch Days have to be the BEST thing anyone ever thought of!

    Jeanne--This wouldn't happen to be Double Points Day, would it? Because if it is, this would be THE happiest day of my life!
    Posted by Katy  on  08/21/05  at  11:52 PM
  5. Katy,
    If only my coffee hut in the 'Burg would have double-punch days, then maybe I'd have something to smile about these days. I'll just have to settle for my single punch and enjoy my iced cold Snickerdoodle with whipped cream. Ahh...I can taste it now. :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  08/22/05  at  12:31 AM
  6. Katy

    Did you know today was double comment day?

    Take Care
    Posted by Take Care Michael  on  08/22/05  at  01:50 AM
  7. Yep

    No punches just two comments for the price of one.

    Take Care
    Posted by Take Care Michael  on  08/22/05  at  01:51 AM
  8. Oh, Michael, you're too funny! :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  08/22/05  at  03:42 AM
  9. In your generation, you're mildly batty. In mine, you're hauled off to the hospital and given enough valproic acid to tranquilize an elephant. My, how times have changed....

    (With apologies for any extant gaps in my gallows humor. May I plead time of night?)
    Posted by Libby  on  08/22/05  at  07:15 AM
  10. Bridgie--You must be proactive there in the 'Burg. Lobby for Double Punch Days! I bet they'd consider the idea, coming from one of their most loyal customers.

    Take Care Michael--My favorite thing about you is your blatant incorrigibility. :)

    Libby--I knew someone would eventually state what must be painfully obvious to all. I'm off my rocker, I guess. Oh, well, I'd rather be inappropriately happy about minor details right now, even if I am labelled mildly psychotic. Now I'm going to google "valporic acid" to find out what I've been missing... :)
    (I love your gallows humor!)
    Posted by Katy  on  08/22/05  at  01:22 PM
  11. I LOVE it!!! Check this out: on p 41 of Dr. Henry Clouds book, 9 Things You Simply Must Do, he says, "Grasp your dreams. Reach for them. Take appropriate risks. One of the worst things you can die with is potential. Die with failures before you die with potential. Potential is something to be realized, not guarded and protected."

    Katy, you are a role model to the rest of the human race! And what creative and amazing potential you use every day that you can make TODAY the VERY best day with a double punch or an amazing chocolate sale! Who really wants to live a poo-poo life believing their VERY best day is somewhere in the past obscured by an inability toward objectivity over time or somewhere in the illusive, unguaranteed future???!!! Today CAN be the VERY best day - ESPECIALLY when we can get our coffee card double punched and when we can get chocolate at an amazing price!

    My daughters would agree - at 5 and 7 they love Starbucks and chocolate and truly believe their mansions in heaven will be made of pure chocolate which you can eat continuously and never get a tummy ache and it will continuously replenish itself :)

    I would rather die with a double punched coffee card and a tummy full of amazing chocolate than to die with the potential of never having taken the risk to experience the VERY best day of my life just because . . . !!!!!

    Hummmm . . . . . perhaps I should have split this up into TWO posts to get the double-post special for the day so I could have the VERY best day of MY life!!!! hehehehehe :)
    Posted by Ann  on  08/22/05  at  05:02 PM
  12. Katy,
    I just saw a hilarious music video called "Taylor, the Latte Boy" -- it's from a song on Kristin Chenowith's recent Christian CD release. Thought you'd find it funny, with your recent Starbucks addiction. You can find it here:
    The video was created as an anniversary present for Ms. Chenowith's pastor and wife. Very cute.
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  08/22/05  at  06:01 PM
  13. Oops -- forgot! Hat tip for the Latte video goes to Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life.

    Gotta give credit where credit's due!
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  08/22/05  at  06:03 PM
  14. Carrie K--That is the FUNNIEST thing since "Baby Got Book." I'm glad you (and Cindy Swanson) linked to it! Everybody, follow Carrie K's link for the video rendition of "Taylor the Latte Guy." You won't regret it... :)

    Ann--I actually stopped reading your comment and called my husband in to read the rest aloud to him when I got to the part that says, "You are a role model to the rest of the human race!" I don't know when he's ever laughed so loudly!!! (I was almost insulted by his unstoppable laughter, in fact, but decided to just go with it. ;)

    I didn't used to take undue pleasure in the little things, but right now I'm embracing the "Thank God for small mercies" way of looking at life. If the big things are pretty messed up, but there are bright spots of joy, why not celebrate the spots?

    Or I guess I could chalk it up to manic/depressive disorder, though I'd never actually considered that until I looked up "valproic acid." Yikes! ;)
    Posted by Katy  on  08/22/05  at  07:56 PM
  15. Katy and Carrie and Cindy, Oh man. I'm still laughing at Taylor the Latte Boy. I posted the link on my blog. Laughter is so much more fun when you pass it around.

    It's TRIPLE points day, Katy. Just for you! xo
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  08/22/05  at  09:34 PM
  16. Hi Katy, I don't know why my journal link would not work. Let me try again. I love Godiva
    chocolates. They are like miniature works of art.


    Try that. I think I forgot to put "users" My writing just is not descriptive enough.
    Posted by Candace Pfau  on  08/23/05  at  12:00 AM
  17. Just a little clarification...the video was made by videographer Chris Johnson of Dixon, Illinois, for her pastor...not Kristin's. That's Kristin actually singing, and a local girl named Kandice Campbell lip-synching. Glad you guys enjoyed it!
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  08/23/05  at  11:34 AM
  18. Knowing you are so happy about coffee and chocolate -- why -- this is just the biggest day of my life! I mean it! I love coffee and chocolate too. I've found a soul sister. Oh, Katy, it's the biggest day of my life! Let's go celebrate with some coffee and choclolate!

    Great job. you get messed up emotionally like me and I identify. people look at me all goofy when I do this and I just let 'em go on with their boring little lives. be excited for crying out loud.
    Posted by Paula  on  08/23/05  at  02:24 PM
  19. I woke up this morning singing, "He is very inspirational, because of many things" in my head.

    Thought you'd want to know.
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  08/23/05  at  03:57 PM
  20. Oh, and it gets worse. Then I sat at the piano and started working out an arrangement.

    I'm supposed to sing a special at church this Sunday, and I haven't picked it yet. Do you think . . . ?
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  08/23/05  at  04:08 PM
  21. you are too funny! love your post...:)

    thanks for visiting my site; your comment was much appreciated!
    Posted by april  on  08/23/05  at  04:16 PM
  22. Oh, Jeanne, if you do it, can I come? Hehehehe...
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  08/23/05  at  09:16 PM
  23. quote: " I love coffee and chocolate too. I've found a soul sister."

    What? Doesn't everyone love them? I mean... Is there life without either one of them???

    Katy... This was so hilarious :D For some reason I managed (easily) to picture both me and my mum into your place... *blush*

    Posted by eija  on  08/23/05  at  09:44 PM
  24. I feel like I've been airdropped into a coffee club. I have no idea what your voices sound like, but I could HEAR each of you in the words you wrote. How scary is that? Must be the caffeine.
    Posted by Bonnie  on  08/23/05  at  10:17 PM
  25. Carrie, the funny thing is, the people in my church know me so well, they probably wouldn't bat an eyelash. BUT, for some reason I feel this prickling sensation (HELLO, I'M THE HOLY SPIRIT) telling me I should probably not introduce Taylor to the church during the taking of the offering.

    Or maybe it's not the Holy Spirit. Maybe I just haven't had enough coffee yet today . . .
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  08/23/05  at  10:43 PM
  26. Well, this is THE most fun I've EVER had in the comments section, except for maybe when I said I'd give my daughter a buck for every comment generated about her missions trip to Haiti. I forked over $150 on that 24-hour special.

    I don't even know what to say to you people, except that I think maybe we all need to visit Jeanne's church this Sunday. Hey, can the congregation bring Starbucks into the sanctuary? Because if Jeanne's going to do her special rendition of Taylor the Latte Boy, we should all be waving our paper cups overhead like candles.

    You people (my readers) are a lot crazier than I've given you credit for. I could tell a lot of stories like "The Two Best Days Of My Life!" but I've held back. I don't want to bore you with my warped sense of humor....Or then again, maybe that's what you want. ;)
    Posted by Katy  on  08/23/05  at  11:45 PM
  27. I believe it's our "warped sense of humor" that distinguishes those of us who learn to LOVE life despite what it is and those who determine to hate or just endure life!

    Life IS warped - or fallen - whichever you prefer. And WE happen to choose to find humor in this warped life! WE are the ones everyone eventually envies, don't you think!!!!! Ame - or Ann - both are me :)
    Posted by Ame  on  08/24/05  at  03:18 AM
  28. Pull out the big, warped guns, Katy. I dare ya.

    Oh, and while we're taking dares, if you DO come to church Sunday, I'll sing it. Starbucks cups also welcome. I'll just call it "banner choreography" and no one will mind. We're progressive. ;)
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  08/24/05  at  03:39 AM
  29. Katy, I'm not a coffee fan so I can't identify with the double-punch day... but CHOCOLATES... now you're talkin'! hehehee...

    Starbucks in Malaysia does have punch cards! Doesn't that make you wanna come here? *wicked grin*

    Oh, and I think you'll love this, Katy! A fellow Malaysian blogger wrote an ode to coffee...


    A few notes:
    *Bridge* "kopi" is Malay for "coffee"... "kau" means "thick", "ais" is "ice", and "O" means without creamer...
    *chorus after verse 3* "suam" means "lukewarm"...
    *verse 4* "kopitiam" is "coffeeshop"...

    Posted by irene  on  08/24/05  at  05:47 AM
  30. Ame or Ann--You are right! It's a warped, warped world and part of our responsibility as humans is to enjoy God and His creation. It's not always easy, but it CAN be done... :)

    Jeanne--Phooey! I used up my air travel budget on Nashville! And I would have dressed up my latte with ribbons and sashes for the banner choreography, too!

    Irene--That is SO not right! Starbucks in Malaysia has punch cards? What's up with that? I'm sending a letter to corporate... Loved the coffee song and thanks so much for the lesson in Malay!! Coffee--ah, the universal language...well, and chocolate, too, of course!
    Posted by Katy  on  08/26/05  at  02:13 PM
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