Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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The Thrill Of The Hunt!

When you’re an aspiring author, you get to meet THE most fun people ever. You can participate in local and online writers groups and you may even venture farther afield and attend a large national conference now and then. These days, if you’re trying to break in, these networking opportunities are invaluable, almost essential.

Not, of course, as essential as actually writing a good book and selling it to a wonderful publisher. But still, relationships—which in this business, often turn into friendships—matter. Since I had the joy of meeting humor author Diann Hunt at the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference last fall, I’ve been blessed with one more friend than I’d ever counted on.

Now I’d like to introduce her to you, too, because my fallible readers deserve the best of everything.

Katy: Diann, in my book, you are the Queen of Comedy for boomer-aged readers. How did you get started writing the funny stuff? Did a hormones-and-chocolate combo put you over the top?
Diann: I guess I’ve always been a little quirky, but hormones have definitely given me a dark side. I used to be this nice person and now I scare myself. If I saw someone in a dark alley with a box of DeBrand truffles—well, I just can’t be trusted, that’s all.

Katy: Have truffles, will travel, eh?
Diann: Oh, yeah. Chocolate and humor help me cope with the growing older thing. Life’s a journey, and I’m taking in every minute of it. I mean, what’s not to enjoy? Scientists have discovered dark chocolate is good for your heart, for crying out loud! It’s a great day to be alive!

Katy: Well, we’ve established that chocolate is of supreme importance to a successful transition through mid-life. Does chocolate also get the credit for your menopausal funny bone?
Diann: Not completely. That literally (ha!) came one morning when I looked in the mirror and saw my grandmother looking back at me (I didn’t know my biological mother, so I couldn’t envision her there). Anyway, with one glimpse, the seed for Hot Flashes & Cold Cream was born. Scary, I know, but there it is.

Katy: I’ve got the shivers just thinking about it. And a hot flash. Kind of at the same time. Weird, huh? I’ve read three of your books now: Hot Flashes and Cold Cream (which I’d just enjoyed right before we met in September), RV There Yet?, and Hot Tropics and Cold Feet. The theme of friendship is one you keep coming back to. As a woman in the general neighborhood of fifty years old, do you look for different qualities in a friend than you did when you were, say, twenty? Your characters are fabulous at nurturing their relationships. How do you keep your own friendships perking along?

Diann: Oh, those are great questions. 

Katy: Why, thank you.

Diann: Very deep and thought provoking.

Katy: I know!

Diann: Which begs the question, why are you asking ME? :) No really, women are all about relationships. We need to be surrounded by other women. There are some things men just don’t get. When my husband sees me crying over a Hallmark commercial, it scares him. He picks up the phone to call 911.

Katy: I like a proactive man.

Diann: Sure, you do. A girlfriend, on the other hand, would cry with me and pass the Kleenex. See the difference? I don’t think my tastes in friends have changed all that much over the years. I look for the type of friend that I want to be—someone encouraging, positive, upbeat, and fun. Oh, and they MUST love chocolate and coffee. ;-)

Katy: Them’s my sentiments exactly!
Diann: I try to keep my friendships perking by scheduling regular coffee get-togethers. I’m terrible at talking on the phone, but if I schedule a coffee time, I can keep up on what’s going on in their lives. I’m trying to “give back” more this year by mentoring some younger women.

Katy: How young? Because by my mother-in-law’s standards, I’m an ingenue.

Diann: Uh-huh. It’s a selfish thing, really. As a writer, it’s easy to get into my own little world and not reach out around me, so this is helping me feel more in touch with my physical community. Though it does require me to actually “share” my chocolate.

Katy: Ouch! OK, tell me this. Once you’ve gotten a reputation for being a comedienne, do people treat you differently? Like, at parties, are you expected to be the “life of”? Are people always saying stuff like, “Say something funny!”? Being funny on demand, now THAT sounds scary!
Diann: My friends don’t do that, but when I’m asked to speak now, an audience expects me to be funny. And of course, when I’m expected to be funny—especially if I’m nervous—it’s just not there.  Besides, I don’t see myself as funny. Weird, yes. Funny, no. My brain just goes off in quirky directions.
Katy: Any exotic chocolate in your future?
Diann: Every day. My calcium comes in the form of a chocolate chewable. It’s not DeBrand’s, but it helps.

Katy: If you’re like me, O fallible ones, you want a fun book to go with your goodies. Hot Tropics and Cold Feet has just hit the stores, so you’re in luck. And one of you is in even MORE luck. Leave a comment on this post, and you might just win a free copy of Diann’s latest. (I’ll randomly draw a name from among the commenters and post the winner on, we’ll say, Thursday.)

In the meantime, check out Diann’s site, and then take a spin over to the group blog she hosts with three other great authors—her buddies, Colleen Coble, Denise Hunter, and Kristin Billerbeck. The friendship of these four ladies is yet another testament to Diann’s heart for women’s relationships.

Thanks for sharing some time with us, Diann! I’ll lift my next latte to you.

Posted by Katy on 01/16/07 at 02:06 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Can I play?

    Thanks, Katy, for introducing us to an author who sounds delightful!

    Nice to meet you, Diann - and I look forward to reading your books! Sounds like just the kind of thing I need about now...
    Posted by Chris(tine)  on  01/16/07  at  02:41 PM
  2. Oh my gosh, what a great interview! You totally captured Di's personality. But you've got me craving DeBrand's and me on a diet. Sigh. It's all your fault if I have to get some.
    Posted by Colleen Coble  on  01/16/07  at  02:42 PM
  3. Great interview, Diann. Thanks for hosting it, Katy!
    Posted by Denise  on  01/16/07  at  02:54 PM
  4. Coffee? Chocolate? That's my language you're talking, ladies! :)

    Katy, you grabbed my girlfriend for a fun interview. However, there's one item here I take exception to. That's the age talk. Honey, cheese ages. Ladies ... hmm. What DO we do? We don't ferment. Oh forget it. Di, pass the chocolate. Katy, pour the coffee. I feel a hot flash comin' on.
    Posted by Ane Mulligan  on  01/16/07  at  03:15 PM
  5. Nice to meet you, Chris(tine)!

    All this talk of chocolate is making me hungry. Colleen, did you bring the truffles?
    Posted by Diann  on  01/16/07  at  03:23 PM
  6. This is shaping up to be a nice little party!! Of course, shaping up is a relative term where truffles are involved. ;) I even emailed DeBrand last fall to see if they make sugar-free truffles, you girls got me so worked up. The nice lady who emailed back said they "offer" them, but they don't actually make them themselves. They acquire them from another chocolatier and I'm sorry, that's not a risk I want to take.

    I am of all women most to be pitied.
    Posted by Katy  on  01/16/07  at  03:33 PM
  7. I had no idea they didn't make the sugar free themselves! Diann has brought them to a conference before.
    Posted by Colleen Coble  on  01/16/07  at  03:35 PM
  8. Yeah, I bought them there, but DeBrand's didn't make them. You could taste the difference.

    Did I just sound like a commercial? I'm pretty sure I did.
    Posted by Diann  on  01/16/07  at  03:38 PM
  9. Chris(tine)--You and Diann will get along famously!

    Colleen--Aw, thanks! Di makes an awfully pleasant subject, huh? I miss seeing you!

    Denise Hunter--I still laugh when I think of the first thing I ever said to you, upon meeting: "You are SO not Diann Hunt!" You looked so...surprised! :)

    Ane--Cheese ages! Ha. OK, so ladies don't sweat, they perspire. Ladies don't age, they....WHAT??? Crinkle? Crease? Dimple? Droop? OK, I need an attitude adjustment, huh? ;)
    Posted by Katy  on  01/16/07  at  03:41 PM
  10. Colleen and Diann--I'm glad you verified what I suspected. The sugar-free aren't as good. Not that I've ever tasted a sugar-full DeBrands, since I ditched all sugar seven years ago. But by golly, if I'm gonna "pretend," I wanna do it with the real deal! I'll live vicariously through you. And Colleen, I'll accept the blame if you cave. I've been blamed for less!! :)
    Posted by Katy  on  01/16/07  at  03:44 PM
  11. I prefer to think we crinkle. It reminds me of sprinkle, which makes me think of those colored little toppings that we lavish on a hot fudge sundae. :-)
    Posted by Diann  on  01/16/07  at  03:48 PM
  12. I like crinkle, too! WAY better than wrinkle. (EEEeeewwww.) Crinkle also reminds me of crinoline, that petticoat staple of those of us who are "crinkly" enough to remember.

    I also like to say, instead of "aging gracefully," that I'm "gracing agefully." I don't know WHY I like it, but I do. Hanging on to what dignity I have left, I guess!
    Posted by Katy  on  01/16/07  at  03:57 PM
  13. Loved the interview. It made me salivate too. I'm eating hershey's chocolate kisses as I type - not the same as DeBrands's but it still stimulates the hormones it's supposed to. =) Being pregnant - I can use all of the happy hormones I can get!
    Posted by Amber  on  01/16/07  at  03:59 PM
  14. Amber--Happy hormones make happy babies!! :) Have you visited here before? I have had an Amber among my readers, I know. At any rate, welcome and hope you have a wonderful pregnancy, no matter which chocolate you consume!
    Posted by Katy  on  01/16/07  at  04:10 PM
  15. That has to be our Amber who is carrying Diann's fifth grandchild! Hey sweetie!
    Posted by Colleen Coble  on  01/16/07  at  04:12 PM
  16. Hey, Amber!!! This is my daughter, everybody! Whoohoo!! And yes, she's carrying our FIFTH grandchild!! Isn't that nice of her? ;-) We have mother/daughter talks on a daily basis, eat chocolate together, drink coffee, all those mother/daughter bonding type things. :-) Thanks for popping in!
    Posted by Diann  on  01/16/07  at  04:19 PM
  17. Happy to meet you, Amber! And it's so nice for we crinkled ladies that you young girls are willing to do so much of the "heavy lifting." I'm jealous of your mother! I want grandkids! (No pressure to Scott and Brooke, or to Carrie and Marc. I'm just sayin'.)
    Posted by Katy  on  01/16/07  at  04:24 PM
  18. Self-editing mode kicks in here: Should read, "it's so nice for us crinkled ladies..."
    Posted by Katy  on  01/16/07  at  04:25 PM
  19. I think.
    Posted by Katy  on  01/16/07  at  04:26 PM
  20. You all write with such spirit. I love reading about real women (and their very real need for chocolate). Having never laid eyes on DeBrands, I guess I don't know what I'm missing, huh? Keep up the great posts, Katy.
    Posted by Anna  on  01/17/07  at  10:03 AM
  21. What a GREAT interview! You have the neatest friends, Katy. Aren't Diann's book titles a hoot? I need to scoot out the door and grab a few titles....any friend of yours who writes and loves chocolate is a friend of mine, you hear?:-)

    Posted by Vicki  on  01/17/07  at  11:52 AM
  22. Never met you, Katy, but love keeping up with you on your blog. Diann sounds like an author I'd like to get to know, too. Coffee and chocolate--yum! I heard my 2-yr-old say just yesterday "Mommy yikes coffee!" Observant little tyke! Thanks for the fun interview.
    Posted by Kelley Mathews  on  01/17/07  at  12:11 PM
  23. I'm always in the mood for chocolate, white chocolate mocha (as close as I come to coffee drinking) and a good book! Great interview and great comments!

    Much love, Nancy
    Posted by Nancy Wood  on  01/17/07  at  12:18 PM
  24. Anna--I've never seen a DeBrand, either! I know you can buy them online, but I don't know where their stores are. Not around here, I'm afraid! Welcome here!

    Vicki--I am glad to share my writing buddies! Hugs to you, too, sweetie. :)

    Kelley--Mommy yikes coffee! Hilarious. "Yikes!" definitely happens if I drink too much! Glad to make your acquaintance!

    Nancy--Yeah, the combo special can't be beat! Good luck in Thursday's drawing!
    Posted by Katy  on  01/17/07  at  08:42 PM
  25. I'm probably in the wrong age genre - my mom is the one in the 50s neighborhood - but the books sound interesting to me, so I'm going to check them out, then pass them on to her. =)

    Thanks for the recommendation, Katy, and it's very nice to "meet" you Diann!
    Posted by Lynn  on  01/18/07  at  10:07 AM
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