Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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The Race Is On

I don’t know what style of Christmas shopper you are, but I’m the type who feels guilty at the last minute.

I began this whole event with a benchmark in place—the $$ I’d put into Traveling Kevin’s bank account to cover his Christmas break in Europe, which officially begins today. Tonight, he’ll take the train to Paris, where he’ll stay in a hostel for two nights before moving on to Germany to do the same. Then he’ll join a new friend of his in Austria, where he’ll spend Christmas with that guy’s family—an invitation for which I am most grateful.

Anyway, I started doing the comps and feeling like one of the kid’s hauls just didn’t pile up like the others, and that I have to make things fair. Because, really, I DO love them all equally and what if one of them began to think otherwise?

My daughter-in-law, Brooke? She’s like my own daughter, and I want her to KNOW that. And then there’s my soon-to-be son-in-law, Marc. Why, it wouldn’t do for him to feel like he’s any less a part of the family than the others, would it?

Yesterday, I’ll tell you, was like a horse race. Carrie was the first one out of the shoot, FAR ahead of the laggers for upwards of an hour. Then I went to Kohl’s and very nearly plunked down enough $$ to put Scott in the lead—but no. The saleslady reminded me that the Super Power Hours didn’t start until 3 pm, and I’d do well to come back then for even better bargains.

I left empty-carted. When I got home, I logged onto Kohl’s website to see if I could pick up an item that the stores are always out of—something for Marc. Of course, to get the free shipping, I had to spend $75. Luckily, I knew of several other things he wanted, so it didn’t take long for him to pull into the lead.

By the time Power Hours started, Doug and I were in the physical store again, where Brooke caught up with the rest of the horses. Then, on the way home, we stopped at Lowe’s, and darned if Scott didn’t win the race by a hare.

That’s right, a hare.

How long can I keep up this frenzied equalizing? Until the stores close on Christmas Eve, that’s how long.

But running into this video on YouTube is helping me rein it in a bit. Steve Martin is one of my favorite men. Hope you love it as much as I do.

Good Christmas Shopping to you!

Posted by Katy on 12/16/06 at 09:07 AM
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  1. lala
    Posted by lala  on  12/18/06  at  04:20 AM
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