Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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The Onion Publishes Sad Truth

Let me start by saying that I am not now, nor have I ever been, a fan of the f-word. Nevertheless, this article has come to my attention, and I must pass it on to my readers.

If you are a child of mine who happens to have his or her own blog, please forgive me for laughing my head off.

And remember, I have a mom, too. If she found my blog, I would just die.
Posted by Katy on 11/13/03 at 07:55 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. That's me on the left, with my mom. A 12-year-old pic, but I like it. Maybe because I'm only 38 at the time! Also, nostalgia has set in. That was the year our fam got its first computer. Sigh. So much has changed...I'll never forget the day teen-aged Scotty showed me how to "surf the web," ostensibly for the purpose of researching an article I was writing. Twenty minutes of intense training later, I was a part of his world once again ;)
    Posted by katy  on  11/13/03  at  08:56 AM
  2. katy, i didn't recognize you in that pic. if i may say so, you look lovelier now. :)

    my dad has asked if he can read my blog, to which i have always responded, "um, no." it's not that i write anything in there that i wouldn't tell my parents, but just the thought of them reading it kind of weirds me out.
    Posted by bethany  on  11/13/03  at  03:54 PM
  3. It's funny because it's so true! My mom reads my blog, but I bet it would be a lot different if she didn't read it. Well, her and all the relatives she emailed the link to back in the day... :)
    Posted by Ellen  on  11/13/03  at  04:26 PM
  4. I told my parents about my Blog -- on several occasions as a matter of fact. I think they have looked at it once...or twice? AM I JUST NOT CONTROVERSIAL ENOUGH TO HAVE MY PARENTS CHECK BACK ON ME AGAIN AND AGAIN?!!!

    Oh, my, I need attention.

    F-words and all... You just gotta love 'em.
    Posted by timsamoff  on  11/13/03  at  04:39 PM
  5. Bethany, If I may say so, flattery will get you everywhere! I think "um, no" is a fair answer to give your parents!

    Ellen, I enjoy it that your mom reads your blog, but then, I would, right? ;) Maybe you should start a second one, incognito.

    Tim, Hilarious! And you know, it doesn't take a WHOLE LOT of controversy to set a parent off! You are squeaky clean, brother. :) Oh, well. I've been writing and getting things published for 12-15 years, and keeping this blog for 3 years. My mom's never asked to see a word of it, which is funny, since a significant portion of it is about HER!!
    Posted by katy  on  11/13/03  at  05:33 PM
  6. Katy, you're cute.

    "You must be exhausted, because you've been running through my mind all day."

    Just kidding, just kidding. Really.
    Posted by Maria  on  11/13/03  at  05:59 PM
  7. Mom, you do know that this is why I don't blog, right? No, just kidding...it's just that I know any blog of mine could never compare to your wonderful writings.
    Posted by Carrie  on  11/13/03  at  10:15 PM
  8. I'm sooooooo thankful that my parents still live in the Stone Age (or so I tease them), and that they don't have Internet access! I would SO die if they found my blog...
    Posted by irene  on  11/13/03  at  10:49 PM
  9. That is exactly why I write nothing but lies.
    I have always admired the forementioned child of yours for being able to write whatever he wants, including the F-word, all the while knowing your an avid reader. Sheesh, it's hard enough knowing my _friend's_ mom reads my blog...
    Posted by petes  on  11/14/03  at  09:00 AM
  10. it makes me laugh that blogger.com has now provided an 'official stance' on the mom issue: http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?answer=655&topic=-1.
    Posted by jenn d  on  11/15/03  at  07:55 AM
  11. Maria, I'm thinking you are very cute. And young, which adds a lot to cuteness.

    Carrie, Well. That's like me saying I won't try to play piano or fiddle or flute or clarinet or whistles because I could never do it as well as you do. Oh, yeah, that IS why I won't try....but you see, that's wrong. Don't compare! Do what you are made to do, as well as you can. I would love it if you would blog!

    Irene--For your sake, yes. I am happy they are not with this particular program. Tee, hee. I, however, love your blog.

    Pete--Scotty claims that his blog is all lies, all lies. But I know better. I do try to ignore any f-words I see, and remember the good, old days when he was little and believed, as I did, that the f-word was "fat." Would you be happier if I swore off the reading of your blog? Because I have enjoyed it (just came from there, in fact), but would honor your request to cease and desist. That's how much I like you.

    Jenn--Hilarious. I emailed blogger and asked them to take an official stance on the horrors of children finding their mothers blogs. I have not heard back. Tee, hee.
    Posted by katy  on  11/17/03  at  05:33 PM
  12. oh, i don't care, like i said, it's all lies too, or self-serving dillusional therapy.
    Just don' tell my mom.
    Posted by petes  on  11/18/03  at  10:17 PM
  13. Pete, Mum's the word.
    Posted by katy  on  11/19/03  at  07:26 AM
  14. Page 1 of 1 pages
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