Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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The End Of The Spear

I am a chicken-hearted Christian when it comes to tales of persecution, martyrdom, and the like.

I want to believe that the Lord would grant me the grace to endure such a fate if it came to that, and to remain true to His name until the end, but let’s just say I’ve never willingly put myself in a situation that might test the purposes of the Almighty.

So, you might not be shocked to learn that I’ve never read the 1961 Christian classic by Elisabeth Elliot, Through the Gates of Splendor. In her memoir, she tells the story of the five missionary men (her husband Jim included) who were speared to death by the Waodani tribe in Equador.

I lose enough sleep concocting my own fictional versions of end-times torture, thank you very much, in which I always star as the most terrorized Christian in the kingdom. I don’t need to read anything else that might give me nightmares!

And yet…and yet. A new film about to be released tells the rest of the story, the amazing events and relationships that have developed among the tribal members and the families of the martyred in the ensuing decades. It’s called The End of the Spear.

If you visit the site, I think you’ll find the link called Path of the Spear particularly compelling. I know I did.

I’m gathering my courage, folks. I think I need to see this film. I think I need to grow in my understanding of and appreciation for those who lay it all on the line for the love of Christ.

The story of redemption begins and ends with Jesus, I know. But it’s clear that He allows others to be a part of His beautiful redemptive purposes, and that five mere men can change the lives and hearts of thousands, if only they remain undeterred by the end of the spear.

Posted by Katy on 01/18/06 at 02:20 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. A clarification: When I say I lose sleep concocting fictional versions of end-times torture, I don't mean that I'm staying awake writing novels. I mean that I'm attempting to sleep, but having nightmares....
    Posted by Katy  on  01/18/06  at  02:59 PM
  2. The most significant truth God taught me over the last few years is, "How can God be God and allow . . . missionaries to be speared to death; children to die of starvation; people and children to be abused, etc." Once I wrenched through the learning process and really "got it," the Sovereignty of God, the very real fear you are describing went away. Do I want to face such things? No. But I know God in a different way now. I know His depth, His character, His Sovereignty. That is the most significant gift of truth other than His gift of Salvation that God ever gave me.

    I read about another martyred missionary once who prayed, "Lord, purify me of the fear of men so that I may see You." That has literally changed my life as I've prayed it in different ways according to the fears I'm facing: "Lord, purify me of the fear of . . . so that I may see You." A VERY powerful prayer.
    Posted by Ame  on  01/19/06  at  01:19 AM
  3. This really is an amazing story... I had heard of it before the movie. So glad stuff like this is hitting the big screen!
    Posted by KMulligan  on  01/19/06  at  09:38 PM
  4. i am also excited about this film. i saw it advertised (oddly enough) while in hobby lobby the other day and i plan to see it this evening.
    Posted by joshua  on  01/20/06  at  07:45 AM
  5. Ame--I am continually amazed by the growth God has caused in your life. You are a wonderful example of a "grown up" for me.

    Kevin--My friend has seen a preview and thought it was fantastic. NYT not raving in its review today, but since when does that stop us?

    Joshua--Did you know Hobby Lobby is a Christian-owned company? They are often playing worship music (instrumental) when I'm in there.

    I hope the film does the true story justice.
    Posted by Katy  on  01/20/06  at  05:22 PM
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