Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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The Do-Unto-Others Because They’ve Done-Unto-You Meme

This is ALL author BJ Hoff’s fault!

She’s been tagged so many times by friends wanting her to do memes that she finally created her OWN meme, just to get them back!!! Even though BJ and I are good friends, she did not tag me directly, presumably because I have had the good sense not to tag her, ever.  :)

But her fellow-author, Deb Raney? BJ got her good, and then SHE got me. The very, very fun thing about the Do Unto Others Meme is that the questions appeal to readers and writers—and I think my fallible audience contains plenty of those!

Please do go visit Deb Raney’s site, and BJ Hoff’s, too! And if you want to Do Unto Others on your own site, please leave me a comment linking to it so we can all take a peek!

1. What’s the one book or writing project you haven’t yet written but still hope to? Although I’ve had a number of articles published, I would REALLY like to be publishing books. It’s been pointed out to me by the type of people who tag me for memes that in order to have a book published, one must write one. All the way to the end. I hope to do that. (Someday, I want to write an historical Irish saga, set during the famine years, on the Rose Estate in Tydavnet, County Monaghan, where my grandfather was born. The Rose Estate had a Scottish Protestant landlady, who actually helped prevent starvation from ending the sorry lives of my Irish Catholic ancestors. The LEAST I can do is write a novel in her honor!)

2. If you had one entire day in which to do nothing but read, what book would you start with? I had a day just like that today! I ordered this book for my hubby: The 4-Hour Workweek. And I can’t put it down. Amazingly shocking principles contained in this book!

3. What was your first writing “instrument” (besides pen and paper)? A Royal manual typewriter. Dear Lord in Heaven above. I was a sophomore in high school, and took typing to get out of Home Ec. (In the ‘70s, a bunch of us girls thought ourselves too liberated to learn to sew and cook. Little did I realize how naked and hungry a growing family can get.) Anyway, I got a crummy C- in typing. Half the girls in the class got to use electrics, and of course, their grades reflected it!

4. What’s your best guess as to how many books you read in a month? I read maybe six books per month. Sometimes, as many as ten. Mostly fiction these days, but then a book like The 4-Day Workweek comes along, and MAN.

5. What’s your favorite writing “machine” you’ve ever owned? This little baby right here! My iBook G4. Although I won’t cry when it dies, as long as I can have what BJ has.

6. Think historical fiction: what’s your favorite time period in which to read? I learned SO much from the WWII books by Brock and Bodie Thoene, and I ADORE the Victorian-era novels by my Scottish love, George MacDonald.

7. What’s the one book you remember most clearly from your youth (childhood or teens)? Like so many girls, I read Little Women over and over. Along with Eight Cousins and Rose In Bloom, also by Louisa May Alcott. But my VERY favorite was “Don’t Call Me Katie Rose.” My mother purchased it for me at a school book fair when I was eleven. It was one of the first books I ever owned, since until then I’d virtually kept the public library in business. By the way, my name IS Katy Rose.

Anybody want to play? I’d love to read your answers!

Posted by Katy on 07/18/07 at 07:44 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Gonna get you next time, Katy! Count on it. I'll have to rig up something special, just for you!

    Posted by BJ  on  07/18/07  at  09:48 PM
  2. aww, a Royal manual. like Father Tim...
    Posted by lisa  on  07/19/07  at  09:21 PM
  3. You're going to be amazed, but "Don't Call Me Katy Rose" is by my favorite author - Lenora Mattingly Weber. I still have most of her "Beanie" books and 1-2 Katie Rose books, and drag them out occasionally to read them again. Other than that, "Little Women" and "Eight Cousins." I absolutely loved the ratio of so many guys to one girl. There was also a fiction teen series by Janet Lambert about a bunch of kids growing up on army bases. Still have most of those as well. (My dad only let us buy one book a year, so these books are pretty used up.)

    And then, of course, like everyone else in our age group, it was the Royal Manual typewriter. It belonged to my sister and I rented it by the hour from her and taught myself how to type in 7th grade, so by the time I actually took typing, I was winning contests. Yep, you're talking to the 1970 Tri-State Typing Contest winner.
    Posted by alison  on  07/20/07  at  02:52 PM
  4. Ahhh, who my age could possibly forget "Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret?" by: Judy Blume? What a wonderful pre-teen classic of the '70s. I still reread it every so often because it's just so great.
    Posted by Bridget  on  07/20/07  at  06:55 PM
  5. My favorite book was The Boxcar Children. I dug holes in my backyard like a crazed dog. I
    wanted to try and cook stew in it just like the boxcar children did.
    Posted by Galadriel  on  07/25/07  at  08:51 AM
  6. danny the champion of the world by dahl. mmm...
    Posted by lisa  on  07/25/07  at  10:03 AM
  7. If I had a day in which to do nothing but read, I'd probably catch up on my school work so I would do well on my exams. haha. If it was a book I wanted to read it would be to finish my book on organization because I could sure use it.
    Posted by Tony  on  12/13/10  at  02:08 PM
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