Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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That’s What I’ll Tell About Me!

My lovely writing buddy Cynthia Ruchti has tagged me to reveal eight juicy tidbits about myself, for your edification of course.

So here’s the deal: I’ve been in self-revelatory mode here at fallible for 6.5 years! Is there really anything about me you still don’t know? Just in case, here goes.

1. I fell in love with my husband at first speak. That’s right. He had me at hello, and I’m not kidding. My beautiful friend Dorothy introduced us, and when I heard his rich bass voice, I KNEW. The fact that it took 2.5 years for him to know I lived does NOT matter. Especially not considering that it only took one actual date to convince him to propose. Don’t let your impressionable children read this story, unless you are willing to risk them being happily married for thirty years!

2. I once won $810.00 by penning a poem for a writing contest sponsored by KCMO radio here in Kansas City. The entrants were to write about why the Republican and/or Democratic National Conventions should be held that year in our town. I composed an eight stanza poem in a few hours, the most $$ I’ve ever made per hour. Plus, they called me in to the station to be interviewed on the air, which was a lot of fun.

3. I want to be an actress in my dotterage, if not sooner. I love old lady actresses, whether on commercials, the stage, or in the movies. I’m talented that way, and quite underutilized at the present time. I should add, though, that I recently had a feature role in a music video, produced by a friend of ours. Someday soon, it will be up on youtube. I’ll let you know when, but until then, I’ll leave you with this: I played a floozy.

4. I once interviewed Barry McGuire (with my two friends, who were the actual journalism students writing an article for the college newspaper), who sang the revolutionary song “Eve of Destruction” back in the sixties before becoming a Jesus Freak and performing with Second Chapter of Acts.

5. I am cousins with David McCallum, the Man from U.N.C.L.E. star who was born and raised in the same town (Kilsyth, Scotland) as my father. I have this information on good authority (my dead father’s) but unfortunately he neglected while he was alive to tell me exactly what the connection is. I’m certain it’s through my grandmother, whose maiden name was Mary Baillie. David, if you’re reading this, please email me!  :)

6. I can carry a tune in a bucket, but with the herniated disks in my neck, the bucket must be very lightweight. Doug and I have sung duets at several weddings, and recently my daughter Carrie and I sang together (with Doug playing Irish whistles) in two of my nieces’ weddings. Also, Doug and I have written many worship songs together, some of which were sung by congregations as far and wide as the metro area.

7. I am living proof that a low-carb, higher protein, adequate fat diet is satisfying for the long term (more than seven years now!) and that managing one’s insulin response is absolutely key in losing and KEEPING OFF unwanted pounds. And, I’ll just add, in avoiding diabetes and heart disease, among other deadly illnesses.

8. For the life of me, I do not recall how I first decided to attempt to write a novel. I do know that my friend, author Nancy Moser, taught a fiction writing class at a junior college here, and invited me to sign up. I also know that she critiqued a chapter for each class member, and gave mine back to me with great recommendations for making another stab at it and resubmitting it to her for a second critique. In other words, my first attempt was actually an essay, the only form of writing I had experience in. Nancy was SO KIND to give me another crack at it. When I submitted my next attempt to her, she said, “Yes! You’re getting the idea.” I abandoned that story years ago, and have worked on learning the craft ever since.

That’s it for me, gentle readers! I’m not tagging anyone, but if you’d like to play on your own blog, let me know when you post by leaving me a comment!

Posted by Katy on 05/09/07 at 05:02 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. You've written songs together with Doug? Wow! That is so cool, Katy!
    Posted by Sunflower  on  05/10/07  at  12:21 AM
  2. Loved the music info! That is soo cool. I had a huge crush on David McCallum. Huge enough to want to be a spy.

    I did this today on my blog and gave you a mention. Check it out.
    Posted by Suzan  on  05/10/07  at  03:19 PM
  3. I haven't read you in awhile, because I've been on again off again with blogs, but may I remind you that I think you are a very interesting lady, and that your writing is superb.
    Posted by Heather from One Woman's World  on  05/10/07  at  06:02 PM
  4. Of course David McCallum totally denies being related to us in any way. Back when Dad was still alive, and when I was collecting autographs and The Invisible Man was still on the air, I sent for his picture and sent a letter saying how I thought we were related, etc. I got back, and still have, the letter, saying something to the effect that "he regrets to inform me that, although he has relatives in Scotland, he is not related to me." Interesting, huh?
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/13/07  at  02:21 PM
  5. Hey, I'd fall in love with Doug like that, too. He's just that adorable. I hope that's OK for me to say. You guys are obviously perfect for each other.
    Posted by alison  on  05/14/07  at  02:04 PM
  6. Sunflower--It's been a while. We need to give it another go! Doug is working recording his music, though. He's got the MacPro recording stuff on his computer, and he's doing great with it.

    Suzan--As my sis Bridget points out, David McCallum hasn't acknowledged our relationship as of yet. But it is one of my goals to establish the connection with clear documentation! :)

    Heather--So nice to hear from you! My blog reading/writing has been a bit sporadic, too. I visited yours and caught up! Blessings to you and your little family.

    Bridget--I know. It's sad when your very own blood relatives deny having anything to do with you, isn't it?? Ha. I am sure the connection is through the Baillies. I do a google search every once in a while, and I feel confident we will prove our pedigree in good time!

    alison--Doug is that adorable! And it's totally OK for you to say so. I read him your comment and he felt quite honored! :)
    Posted by Katy  on  05/15/07  at  08:02 AM
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