Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Terms Of Endearment

Every time 20-year-old Kevin walks into my field of vision, my life lights up. But the things that come out of my mouth when the lights come on, only he and I will ever fully appreciate.

Often I greet him with any song lyric that has the word "baby" in it, since he's my baby. I could go for "Baby, baby, I'm taken with the notion, to love you with the deepest of devotion..." but I never seem to move in quite that inspirational of a direction. It's not that I don't feel that way; it's just that Kevin and I have something deeper going on.

If I start with any "baby" song lyric, though, Kevin invariably responds with a "Mama" song, which he sings loudly and with feeling, occasionally down on one knee.

So, I hear the door slam--Kev's home from a long day at school. He trudges down the hall to my room, where he finds me sitting on the couch, writing.

Our eyes connect, and his are twinkling as always. I burst into song:

"Baby, baby, don't get hooked on me...."

and he sings his solo:

"Mama, just killed a man..."

And we both laugh like we didn't just sing the same old-fashioned love songs yesterday.

You tell me: Does it get better than this?
Posted by Katy on 03/04/05 at 07:43 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. It absolutely does not get any better than that! I love your story! It must be especially nice that he is not drawing on the walls anymore, or putting playdough in the carpet. I'm in that stage with my four.
    Posted by Lori Seaborg  on  03/04/05  at  02:51 PM
  2. That is such an awesome story! Maybe one day, if I have kids, I'll have that type of story to tell. :)
    Posted by Christy  on  03/04/05  at  04:48 PM
  3. Oh, Katy, I can so relate! My 18-year-old baby girl and I have many little rituals like that. For example, out of nowhere I will sometimes just say, "Mommy's baby!" and she'll immediately respond, "Lizzie's mommy!"
    Silly, goofy, but sweet and priceless!
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  03/04/05  at  06:46 PM
  4. Tee, hee! I used to say to Kev, "Mama loves you," and then of course he'd say, "Kevvie loves you." Then we shortened it. I'd say "Mama loves," and he'd say, "Kevvie loves."

    Now we've really got it down to our own weird personal science: I say, "Mama," and he says, "Kev-Kev." And we know what we mean!!

    I'm smiling really big right now!
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  03/04/05  at  08:29 PM
  5. Naw, girl. It doesn't get any better than that.

    Congrats on the WD shout out, too.
    Posted by Claudia  on  03/05/05  at  07:43 AM
  6. I know all about "the baby". My other kids tell me I spoiled the baby rotten. But I just tell them he loved me better. He always woke up smiling. I call him my golden child. Let them be jealous I don't care. "You've got the cutest
    little "baby" face."
    Posted by Candace Pfau  on  03/07/05  at  01:10 AM
  7. Years ago, I asked my younger son how much he loved me, and he replied, "A hundred and a million!" That has, of course, become the ultimate quantity of love in the Swanson household. Never mind that it's not that much in reality...to Justin it was an infinite amount, and so it remains. :)
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  03/08/05  at  03:59 PM
  8. Claudia--With your maternal experience, that's a real vote of confidence! Thanks for the congrats, too. It was a lot of fun...

    Candace--It's not the baby's fault that he occupies that position in the family. And it's not your fault for feeling the way you do about it... :)

    Cindy--A hundred and a million! That's a lotta love if you ask me! Wonderful...
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  03/09/05  at  10:31 PM
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