Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Talk Sleepy To Me

You're missing a lot if you don't have a TV in your bedroom.

I know...I know. There's the principle of the thing to consider. And believe me, for the first 25 years of our marriage, we considered it. But three years ago we began to believe that perhaps we had too many answers and not as many questions as people in general should have.

What if a big honking TV in the bedroom could provide us with the questions we so desperately needed?

So we cast off our predisposition for leading lives based on foundational principles like "Thou Shalt Never Enjoy Cuddling With Thy Spouse In Bed While Watching Reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond! Never!!" And we moved the whole darned entertainment center into the master bedroom.

All I can tell you is that our lives were changed forever.

Last night, after we'd settled in for American Idol and followed it up with that new doctor show, House, we even enjoyed a few commercials before clicking the TV off.

That last commercial did it for Doug. He rolled toward the center of the bed, drew me close to him, and in his deep, sensuous voice said, "Hey, baby, you're my Sleep Number."

Forget principles.
Posted by Katy on 04/13/05 at 07:18 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. So what didja think about Idol last night? I thought Carrie deserved more props for stepping out of her comfort zone---they're always telling the contestants to stretch themselves, but they never let Carrie do it! As always, I loved Anwar. And just when I'd written Anthony off, he steps it up a notch! Shoot, I love that show.

    My daughter and I have to laugh about the commercials for "House," though--have they ever had a preview that didn't include someone violently convulsing/shaking in a hospital bed?
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  04/13/05  at  03:21 PM
  2. Hi, Cindy!
    I loved the old Carrie, thought she'd easily make it to the top 3, along with Anwar and Nadia. I feel like Carrie's lost her bearings now. She paid too much attention to the "don't be boring" advice and ended up...boring. Anwar, we love! Nadia? She's taken to singing what I call "victim songs"--in which the lyrics focus on "no matter how bad my baby treats me I won't leave because he needs me to be here for him so he has someone to beat..." She's lost me. Now I'm WAY more about Vonzell than I used to be. I thought she was great last night with "Let's Hear it For the Boy."

    And, yeah. House is really wild. The whole deal is that the crotchety but brilliant Dr. House is the only one that can come to a correct diagnosis for these near-death emergency cases. I've been sick enough a few times that I would have loved it if Dr. House came through the door! Last night, though, they showed a spinal tap and I had to look away. I am SO not about spinal taps!! :)
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  04/13/05  at  03:37 PM
  3. Anwar is the best...after all, he IS a teacher!! :) As much as I hate Constantine, he rocked it last night with Bohemian Rhapsady. Vanzell also was amazing. Carrie needs to go back to her country roots; she is definitely not a rocker.
    Posted by Bridget  on  04/13/05  at  04:08 PM
  4. I have to say I have a bit of a thing for Constantine. And then when he sang the love song my Kevvie croons to me, "Mama...just killed a man," well. It melted my heart... :)

    Message to Carrie: Get your big hair back and go country, girl!
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  04/13/05  at  05:20 PM
  5. I love constantine! Carrie goes "Hey! That's what Kevin sings to my mom all of the time!" I love it when he stares into the camera. He is the next American Idol. ;o)
    Posted by Lynnell  on  04/13/05  at  08:59 PM
  6. Lynnell--He's pretty dreamy, isn't he? My mother would say he has "bedroom eyes." It's funny that you commented here today, Lynnell. I was just thinking this morning that I missed you! (And I really did name a character in my book after you. Now if I could just get the crazy thing published...)
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  04/13/05  at  09:24 PM
  7. Carrie goes (went?) to my former college (NSU) and they have Carrie Idol Watch Parties around here all the time. I like her, but not for AI . . . I think she should have gone on Nashville Star instead.

    Vonzell, Anwar, Bo, and Constantine . . . I'm torn between those four. What's a girl to do? Sigh.
    Posted by Amber  on  04/14/05  at  02:33 AM
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