Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Suze Orman’s New Book, Free!

For the next few days, you can download Suze Orman’s new book for FREE on Oprah’s sitei.

Sometimes, Suze gets a little spooky for my taste, especially when she goes on about money being “attracted” to me, but I’ve gotta tell you: This book is worth downloading, reading, and applying to your specific situation NOW.

Suze admits that she wrote this book fast, and she finished it in November. (It’s also available in print at any bookstore.) But the whole idea is to give us not only a good overview of exactly how the economy got into the mess we find ourselves in, but to also give us up-to-the-minute action plans, detailing what we can do on our own behalf to escape as much personal fallout as possible.

I read through the 200 pages in the past 24 hours, jotting down notes of the precise steps Doug and I have been putting off, but will now attack. You know how a lot of advisors say to keep enough to cover 3-6 months living expenses in an emergency fund? Suze ups the ante to EIGHT months, based on the idea that if you were to lose your job with unemployment rising, it could easily take that long to find another one.

And guess what? Your home equity line of credit can no longer be considered an emergency fund! Who knew?

Furthermore, Suze says we can’t borrow against a 401K to send our kids to college! Say WHAT?????

Dear fallible readers, if you want some solid advice to help you use 2009 to get on a truly solid financial footing, one that you may just commit to stay on for the rest of your lives, get thee over to Oprah’s site and download Suze’s book.

I believe she truly has a heart for the welfare of the people in this country, and I intend to thank her by spreading the news and praying that many, many millions of citizens begin to follow sane principles of personal finance.

If the way out of this crisis is to spend ourselves into oblivion, as some in Washington and on Madison Avenue would have us believe, Suze hasn’t gotten the memo.

Now, go download yourselves a free book, and let me know what you think.

Posted by Katy on 01/09/09 at 10:37 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Thanks for the tip!
    Posted by Terri  on  01/10/09  at  09:00 PM
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    Posted by wxnvkozh  on  02/08/09  at  10:20 PM
  5. Every man, wherever he goes, is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions, which move with him like flies on a summer day.
    Posted by sain  on  02/10/09  at  08:57 PM
  6. After all it is those who have a deep and real inner life who are best able to deal with the irritating details of outer life.
    Posted by incomer  on  02/10/09  at  08:59 PM
  7. Could you imagine how horrible things would be if we always told others how we felt? Life would be intolerably bearable.
    Posted by photovaristor  on  02/10/09  at  08:59 PM
  8. Our patience will achieve more than our force.
    Posted by pathogeny  on  02/10/09  at  09:00 PM
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    Posted by tgvfdtwp  on  02/11/09  at  05:48 AM
  11. An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup.
    Posted by testosterone  on  02/13/09  at  06:59 AM
  12. You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.
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    Posted by ouxupmpu  on  02/13/09  at  02:44 PM
  14. I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.
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  15. What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.
    Posted by ciprofloxacin  on  02/15/09  at  07:45 PM
  16. The whole dream of democracy is to raise the proletarian to the level of stupidity attained by the bourgeois.
    Posted by femot  on  02/15/09  at  07:48 PM
  17. Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.
    Posted by adversative  on  02/15/09  at  07:50 PM
  18. Americans will put up with anything provided it doesn't block traffic.
    Posted by difluan  on  02/15/09  at  07:51 PM
  19. There is only one thing a philosopher can be relied upon to do, and that is to contradict other philosophers.
    Posted by incredibly  on  02/15/09  at  07:52 PM
  20. I wrote myself a check for ten million dollars for acting services rendered and dated it Thanksgiving 1995. I put it in my wallet and it deteriorated. And then, just before Thanksgiving 1995, I found out I was going to make ten million dollars for Dumb & Dumber. I put that check in the casket with my father because it was our dream together.
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  22. A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory.
    Posted by dismantling  on  02/27/09  at  01:39 PM
  23. The pain of making the necessary sacrifices always hurts more than you think it's going to. I know. It sucks. That being said, doing something seriously creative is one of the most amazing experiences one can have, in this or any other lifetime. If you can pull it off, it's worth it. Even if you don't end up pulling it off, you'll learn many incredible, magical, valuable things. It's NOT doing it when you know you full well you HAD the opportunity- that hurts FAR more than any failure.
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  26. I am not young enough to know everything.
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  28. Hares can gambol over the body of a dead lion.
    Posted by spittlebug  on  03/03/09  at  01:21 AM
  29. It is your work in life that is the ultimate seduction.
    Posted by advil  on  03/05/09  at  03:25 PM
  30. America believes in education: the average professor earns more money in a year than a professional athlete earns in a whole week.
    Posted by wavering  on  03/05/09  at  03:30 PM
  31. Creative work is play. It is free speculation using materials of one's chosen form.
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  35. The truth is always a compound of two half- truths, and you never reach it, because there is always something more to say.
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  37. My home is not a place, it is people.
    Posted by turbocharger  on  03/11/09  at  04:38 PM
  38. Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.
    Posted by clopidogrel  on  03/13/09  at  06:47 PM
  39. I've grown to realize the joy that comes from little victories is preferable to the fun that comes from ease and the pursuit of pleasure.
    Posted by threw  on  03/13/09  at  06:52 PM
  40. Ordinarily he was insane, but he had lucid moments when he was merely stupid.
    Posted by wolfsbergite  on  03/13/09  at  06:57 PM
  41. Page 1 of 1 pages
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