Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Suspicious Mind

OK, it’s like this: I did the dishes a couple of hours ago. There are only two of us in the house, and we haven’t eaten since the kitchen was last cleaned.

So I hear Doug in the kitchen banging around. It sure sounds like he’s doing dishes. There’s that signature move he does wherein the washee gets knocked precipitously against the faucet a couple of times for good measure. (We’ve actually got a few glasses that have survived being washed by Doug. More power to them, I say.)

Doug knows I’m in a grouchy (read: progesterone imbalanced) mood. He knows that the last thing I dreamed before awakening this morning was that MY ENTIRE HEAD of hair turned grey overnight, the Excellence of L’Oreal notwithstanding.

But surely he wouldn’t try to suck up by washing ONE SOLITARY dish, would he? Because that would make me really, really…...you don’t want to know.

I walk to the bedroom door, where I’ve got a good view of him with his hands immersed in the sink. Steam rises, and not just from the water. “What are you doing?”

“Oh, nothing,” he says—and you’ll have to trust me when I say this is not my favorite answer. It had better not be his final one.


He turns and looks at me, and uses an even more nonchalant voice than usual. “Just washing a cup.”

“A cup,” I say in a deadpan tone. “Why?”

“Um….because I used it in the bathroom.”

What? He’s pregnant and needs to produce a urine sample? Impossible. He’s 54. I don’t say a word. I just stand there staring and wait until he decides to finish the story.

Finally, the whole truth. “I used it to catch a frog.”

Nice save.

Posted by Katy on 09/11/06 at 01:18 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Ahhh - now that's a funny Katy. Or is it a funny Doug? Do I need to bring my "peri" or "Meno" talk to the airport with me this year, Girlfriend? I can heal what ails ya'.

    (I love the photo you added on the left here. Now I really do feel like I'm having coffee with you. How fun. We should try that in real life sometime, huh? Since we live 15 miles apart. Kind of silly.)
    Posted by Kath  on  09/11/06  at  03:21 PM
  2. Dad, Dad, Dad...
    Posted by Carrie  on  09/12/06  at  05:23 PM
  3. HA! That is very funny. I can imagine the sheepish look.

    Hello, I'm Anne - not a regular commenter, obviously... just a lurker. Not creepily... just quietly.
    Posted by anne  on  09/13/06  at  12:19 PM
  4. Kath--You have to be a super friend to think this is funny when you've actually been in a car with us!! Poor Doug--he takes a lot of heat, huh? Ah, well. He's holding up pretty well so far.... :)

    Carrie--You can say that again!

    Anne--Well, you've offically delurked. And I think you are the third (or possibly fourth) Anne who comments here! (Even if you lurked creepily, I'd be fine with that, but I LOVE comments....) Welcome!
    Posted by Katy  on  09/17/06  at  12:59 PM
  5. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa....~wipes away tears~...hahahahahahahahahaha
    Posted by Lisa  on  09/29/06  at  03:14 PM
  6. Lisa--Now, see! YOU'VE got a sense of humor!
    Posted by Katy  on  09/29/06  at  06:24 PM
  7. This article sounds funny.As far as my concern ,People those who have suspicious mind would never succeed in their life.so It is better to give up that mind.
    Posted by jessica  on  11/28/08  at  07:14 AM
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