Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Suite Deal

We've been living in a one-bedroom motel suite in DC since Sunday night. The kind with the tiny, though completely functional, kitchen. Plus wi-fi, and a TV in both the living room and the bedroom.

Every time I'm in one of these places, I ask myself if I could live for the long term on a small-sized scale. Could I divest myself of so many posessions that what's left (for the two of us) would fit into one closet, a couple of drawers, and four kitchen cabinets?

And almost every time I go through this mental exercise, I come to the same conclusion. If I added a number of bookcases and some under-the-bed Rubbermaid containers to the arrangement, it would be terrific.

Am I just kidding myself? When I get back to my nice, big house, won't I be relieved to get away from a spot so small it forces me to be someone uniquely distinct from my huge amount of belongings?

How quickly will I forget how few material posessions it takes to live a satisfying life?

May I remember longer this time, Lord. A little longer each time, please.
Posted by Katy on 11/18/04 at 08:29 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. 2 years ago, I sold my house and pretty much everything I owned and I live in one 14x18 room at a house of prayer ministry center. Someday I hope to have a house again, but for now, this is what God called me to. But the space saving tricks and finding the little things for storage...quite fun. It is amazing what you can learn to do without.

    Learning to simplify is not easy (and fortunantely I am somewhat of a minimalist and single) but to those who are working at it... it is so freeing to not have piles of "stuff." Some people I know recently built a brand new house. They moved from their little house to this nice new big one... yet they still can't park their cars in the garage. I don't get that at all. Anyway, sorry for the little rant there.
    Posted by joshua  on  11/18/04  at  06:03 PM
  2. A computer with a good broadband connection seems necessary these days, not for work reasons, but for reading and relating. Books for sure, plus my guitar, irish whistles, and some music staff paper. The more junk we've gotten rid of, the more I've enjoyed the few things that have real value.
    Posted by Doug  on  11/18/04  at  11:43 PM
  3. Joshua--You're an inspiration! I'm becoming more of a minimalist with age. I used to find stuff comforting, I think, but lately it's distracting and confusing. I'm still in a months-long clutter removal process, but the more I get rid of the more I see! I'm going to the next level now.
    BTW, how was your time in KC?

    Doug--You named exactly the items I would want you to name! They are "you."
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  11/23/04  at  08:50 PM
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