Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Still Not Too Late

I got some editing of my novel done at Barnes & Noble today. Yes, really!

While strolling through the children’s section, I spied a little girl, maybe six years old, in a plaid Catholic school uniform. Honestly, it felt like looking in the mirror approximately 47 years ago. Except for the age thing, we could have been twins—auburn hair, scrawny legs, missing teeth, freckled nose.

I took her for a younger version of myself: a student, a book lover, a reader, probably a storyteller, too. She wanted nothing more than to be there, among her favorite tales, her unhurried mother by her side.

I kept walking and then, over my shoulder and already nearly a part of my past, the child spoke words that immediately entered my heart.

“We still have a lot of time, don’t we, Mommy?”

I stopped on the carpet’s well-worn path, my breath catching in my chest until the young mother’s voice answered, “Yes.”

I smiled and, just for a moment, reveled in the magical world-without-end of that little girl, a miniature me.

I still have time. 

Posted by Katy on 03/07/07 at 02:18 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Hi Katy,

    I just fell onto your blog and well haven't had time to read much but I already appreciate the content of what I have read. The pictures of you drinking coffee made me think, of course, of my Web site. I would like to link yours to mind in my blogroll. You will be my first. Hope you don't mind.

    Posted by Julia  on  03/08/07  at  10:55 PM
  2. Sorry, "mine." It's nearing midnight. I am a little tired. :)
    Posted by Julia  on  03/08/07  at  10:57 PM
  3. Hey, for some reason I didn't think you'd be blogging during lent, so now I have a lot of catching up to do. So you keep talking about your novel and I know nothing about it. You'll have to fill me in. I am writing a little "neurotica" but so far all I have is the last page. That may be all it ever amounts to. I'll email it to you one of these days and then we can have a few laughs over it. By the way, Maeve Binchy has a new book out.
    Posted by alison  on  03/09/07  at  12:43 PM
  4. I printed this one. I know you have the archives but God knows I'd never remember any correct word to search with...I'd just be typing in "that one...you know, the one..."
    Posted by Anne  on  03/11/07  at  03:08 PM
  5. Sigh...

    Great post. Life really is in the little things, the little moments.
    Posted by amy  on  03/13/07  at  10:52 AM
  6. Julia--How nice to have you pop in! Thank you for your nice note. I will visit your site, as well.

    alison--I would love to read your neurotica! I think my romantic comedy/women's fiction/lady lit would also classify as neurotica. Hope to see you on Saturday night!

    Anne--Awww, you sweetie. Do I need to start titling posts like episodes of Friends? "The One About The Little Girl Who Still Has Time?" Hey, anything to make things easier!! :)

    Amy--So many little things add up to a full life, eh? I agree!
    Posted by Katy  on  03/14/07  at  03:19 PM
  7. Hi! Your publish rocks and can be a great study!
    Posted by Juicy Couture Bags Sale  on  06/16/12  at  04:16 AM
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