Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Speaking Of Utter Breathlessness…

Does anyone among my knowledgeable readership understand the meaning of “glycolysis”?

I’m trying to buy a life insurance policy, and in the process a nurse came to the house to do blood and urine tests. I got the results of my lab work in the mail yesterday. My glucose test (which should have been completely normal, since I was fasting and don’t eat any sugar whatsoever…) came back with this notice: Test invalid due to glycolysis.

I have googled this term into the ground, and am still unsure what the heck it means. I believe it’s an indication of me having poorly oxygenated blood, which *ahem* explains a lot. By the way, I do have a call in to my doctor’s office, but haven’t heard back from them yet.

Anybody understand biology here? Yikes!

Posted by Katy on 08/01/07 at 10:04 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. In case you need some oxygen, Penta Bottled Water is chock full. I have to grab a bottle once in a while for those breathless days...:-)
    Posted by Suzan  on  08/01/07  at  01:54 PM
  2. Katie, nurse Annette here. While I'm not completely sure, I think the term in this context means the specimen was messed up ... either drawn in the wrong tube, set out too long, didn't make it to the lab quickly enough, maybe wasn't refridgerated properly in transit. Any of those things can make a specimen unusable. Happens all the time. My bet is the examiner will come back to redraw your blood. Just so you know, the lab always blames it on the blood draw-er, the blood draw-er always blames it on the lab!
    Posted by Annette Smith  on  08/01/07  at  08:46 PM
  3. Suzan--Ouch! "Breathless days" sounds like a really long time to be breathless! Of course, I know precisely what you mean. I will check out your rec. Thanks!

    Annette--My doc's office must not be alarmed, because they still haven't called me back! I guess I am probably not croaking--yet. ;) No one has called to reschedule the blood draw, either. I love your explanation of blame asignation! So true. BTW, congrats on "A Bigger Life" being up for ACFW's Book of the Year! As you know, I LOVED it.
    Posted by Katy  on  08/03/07  at  07:06 AM
  4. No idea, but YOU take MY breath away!
    Posted by galadriel  on  08/05/07  at  12:51 AM
  5. Hi, I had the same problem for life insurance as well. I also have google it to the ground and got the same results. However, my underwriter said the same as Annette and that it might also mean that may be I was still digesting some thing even though I didnt eat that morning... go figure! Good luck to you too.
    Posted by Ara  on  09/19/07  at  10:20 AM
  6. Did you ever get an answer on this? Basically, glycolysis happens when the red cells are not separated from the serum in a timely manner. The glucose is broken down and so they would have gotten falsely low value. Hope this helps. And by the way....Matthew is majoring in computer information systems at DeVry and Ethan is a junior at Maranatha. Matthew might like to get together with Scott sometime, because he'd like to do "web stuff" like him (I don't know what else to call it). Glad you had a wonderful time at the writers' conference. When do you anticipate publishing your book :)?
    Posted by Mary Anne Green  on  09/27/07  at  10:57 AM
  7. Yeah, I also want to know if you got an answer!
    Posted by Pete  on  11/04/08  at  10:46 AM
  8. I am so thankful to read about this glycolysis reading. I too have experienced the same result. Before my results came to me, however, my agent called to inform me that my qualifying score for "super healthy" was not reached, therefor I would have to pay more for better insurance coverage. I get the scam now. The insurance company and lab have some under-the-table deal going on. At least that is what I make of it. Instead of coming to my house, I have made arrangements to get the bloodwork done directly at the lab this time. Trust me the rates will be lower. Its all a con. If I didn't have children, I wouldn't care about life insurance to begin with. Id let the state bury me.
    Posted by aliahli  on  05/17/09  at  07:07 PM
  9. Hi Katy

    Not very long ago, older meant “over 50.” But many people need life insurance at 50, 55, 60, or 65. Age is not always a reason to abandon life insurance. Even so-called “older” people may need income protection for their survivors if these heads of household or primary caregivers die prematurely.

    People in their 50s and 60s (and sometimes into their 70s) are in their peak earnings years and have family responsibilities.
    Posted by Warren Jackson  on  06/13/09  at  08:42 AM
  10. Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway that converts glucose, C6H12O6, into pyruvate, C3H3O3-. The free energy released in this process is used to form the high energy compounds, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and NADH (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).
    Posted by Insurance  on  08/23/09  at  01:51 AM
  11. Did you get any answers to this?
    Posted by Insurance Leads  on  08/27/09  at  10:41 AM
  12. The series of biochemical reactions in which glucose is broken down to pyruvate with the release of usable energy in the form of ATP. One molecule of glucose undergoes two phosphorylation reactions and is then split to form two triose-phosphate molecules. Each of these is converted to pyruvate. The net energy yield is two ATP molecules per glucose molecule. In aerobic respiration pyruvate then enters the Krebs cycle. Alternatively, when oxygen is in short supply or absent, the pyruvate is converted to various products by anaerobic respiration. Other simple sugars, e.g. fructose and galactose, and glycerol (from fats) enter the glycolysis pathway at intermediate stages.
    Posted by Brett Williams  on  09/07/09  at  10:39 PM
  13. One can read details about “glycolysis” in the wkipedia in the following link.

    But one funny thing about diagnos is that there is always a possibility of false report or mistake. In this case it is better to check it up for the second time.
    Posted by life cover  on  09/08/09  at  11:17 PM
  14. Don't you just hate when you ask a question, and someone defines a word in your question, but that doesn't at all answer your question? Or they look it up a term on wikipedia (as if you yourself never heard of wikipedia), then try to craft an answer which doesn't really make sense in context of the complete question? Anyway, the short, sweet answer is (and this is based on reading a lot on the topic online, not any medical knowledge of my own): when the lab doesn't get to testing your glucose quickly enough, glycoloysis happens to the sample before it is tested, and thus the sample cannot be accurately tested. So they put the cryptic "Invalid due to Glycolysis" rather than just admitting they screwed up.
    Posted by Rob  on  09/21/09  at  02:09 PM
  15. That's a highly-developed design.
    Posted by Mr. Insurance  on  09/25/09  at  07:59 AM
  16. Hello guys!

    For the life insurance,Life insurance is insurance on your life. If you die the insurance company pays money to your beneficiaries. they could be family, friends, the company you work for even a charitable organization. as long as there is an insurable interest.
    Posted by Types of Annuities  on  11/30/09  at  01:08 AM
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    Posted by montreal erotic massage  on  06/21/10  at  05:43 AM
  20. Lacking of oxygen is the cause of it. Are you live in a congested room? Do you take regular exercise? Are you huge in body size? Do you take proper meal in your lunch and dinner or like to eat junk food? Do you drink 5 liter water daily?
    If "no" is the answer to these questions, try to do these things. Make an immediate consultation with your doctor.
    Posted by Medical Aids In South Africa  on  06/29/10  at  06:03 AM
  21. For the best insurance,Allstate is by far the best. They are ranked in the top 50 employers book.
    Posted by Insurance reviews  on  08/19/10  at  11:33 AM
  22. Allstate is the best? This blog post is about the meaning of glycolysis!
    Posted by Rob  on  08/19/10  at  09:49 PM
  23. I currently have a $300,000 Adjustable Life Insurance policy and want to convert it to a $300,000 20 Year Term. Can I do this or will I have to surrender the policy and start a new policy? I checked my life policy and there is nothing mentioned about any type of conversion. Just curious about everyone's thoughts.
    Posted by Insurance reviews  on  08/23/10  at  11:10 AM
  24. Awesome post. I bookmarked your blog for future use.
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    Posted by frontierville cheats  on  10/09/10  at  10:36 PM
  26. Who knows, they probably just don't want to insure you.
    Posted by Georgio  on  11/21/10  at  06:01 PM
  27. It is not easy to live with a blood sugar related disease, just try to get life insurance with this infirmity.
    Posted by Brent Wilson  on  12/14/10  at  03:33 AM
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    Posted by dodge turbo  on  01/18/11  at  01:37 AM
  29. I don't know what it is but it is better to consult a doctor.
    Posted by Fenopy  on  05/24/11  at  02:42 AM
  30. Life insurance policy is a good policy..You can save money for your future..It is really helpful to us..
    Posted by Android apps development  on  08/18/11  at  11:03 PM
  31. I had the same problem for life insurance as well. I also have google it to the ground and got the same results.
    Posted by Russina  on  08/22/11  at  03:02 AM
  32. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycolysis

    I hope this helps
    Posted by Marius | Medical Scheme  on  10/28/11  at  02:55 AM
  33. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycolysis

    I hope this helps
    Posted by Marius | Medical Scheme  on  10/28/11  at  02:56 AM
  34. very complicated description :)
    Posted by beats  on  11/14/11  at  05:46 AM
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  38. <a ><img>http://www.prowinningtips.com/img/banner0215.jpg</img></a>

    okay so the soccer gods have spoken. this is from my earlier question.

    i said that habs and stars would lose if liverpool lost today's soccer match vs chelsea.

    and chelsea won 3-2, with more points aggregate going to chelsea making it 4-3 over liverpool.

    i think i also said that if liverpool had won carey price would start the game, and since they didn't i'm going to stick with that. i can't change predictions. BUT hopefully carbo does start him and carey has a good game.

    i'm trying to make it so that the habs will come up with something but based on what i said earlier the flyers and sharks (eww) are going to win tonight.

    GO HABS!!!!
    go stars!
    who do you think is going to win the hockey games tonight...but there are so many of them already so mine is all based on soccer.

    and also flyers fan, i'm watching the news so i can't get to sports news till 6:30, but really, they said that he's not starting at the warmup. well earlier today carbo was still undecided and at preskate no one knew who would start. and also agree 100% with Mike. i hope that halak gets an oppertunity to be a starting goalie because he is that good. i already said that in the halak vs price questions a little bit earlier today. a cold halak is not like a cold price. he's really a good goalie, and his technique is a merge, while carey's is mostly one style.
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