Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Somehow, We’ll Get Through This Together…

In five or six more weeks, we'll finally put this long season of our discontent behind us, and be able to get on with our lives.

Until then, how will we bear up under the mounting losses we face Wednesday after Wednesday, as we give up first Nadia, then Anwar, and now Constantine?

How will we live without the Greek's beautiful hair, dreamy eyes, clefted chin and--oh, yeah--voice?

We've got to stick together, that's all I know. Be strong, dear friends...
Posted by Katy on 04/27/05 at 09:24 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I had no idea what this post was about initially. I thought, "geez, is Katy losing friends on a we weekly basis? Is death adhering to some ghoulish schedule?"

    Then I did a news search for Constantine..then Anwar....and I realized you were merely an idle American.

    You'll survive... the easiest way is to use the remote control and hit the "off" button. :)

    Posted by Michael Main  on  04/28/05  at  08:14 AM
  2. I'm with you, Katy, and getting quite good at screaming Nooooooooooooo! at the TV on Wednesdays. R.
    Posted by Robin  on  04/28/05  at  12:41 PM
  3. I'm happy to see Constantine go. With the exception of his Bohemiam Rhapsady song, he was getting on my nerves, and the only thing saving him were all the teeny-bopper girls who were voting for him. I will admit, though, that Scott needed to go first! Go, Bo! :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  04/28/05  at  02:59 PM
  4. Ooh Constantine had sex appeal. Am sorry to see him go too.
    Posted by Hope  on  04/28/05  at  08:41 PM
  5. I was so upset when Nadia had to leave! (Yes many Malaysians are avid fans too) Scott should have left instead!! After that I haven't really bothered to watch -- the zing sort of went out of it for me. Between Constantine and Bo I think Bo should have left, and how can Scott and Anthony still be in there??!?!?!

    Malaysian Idol auditions are going on now, so the show itself should be airing soon. I don't know how much more I can take of this...
    Posted by irene  on  04/29/05  at  06:11 AM
  6. I had no idea what any of you were talking about until I got to the comment about "Malaysian Idol" and then I pieced it all together. :)
    Posted by Bethany  on  04/29/05  at  07:56 PM
  7. "Idol." this exchange is so revealing.
    Posted by Paula  on  04/29/05  at  08:37 PM
  8. Michael Main - now that I've figured out what was being discussed, I am "LOL" at your "idle American" comment. Hee!
    Posted by Bethany  on  04/30/05  at  09:42 PM
  9. The first season Idol came out, I resisted watching it because of the name, kind of like I won't go into Toys R Us because of the backwards R. I also refuse to pull a chair up in any restaurant with a name such as "Furr's" or "Whiskers" or "Harry's." The whole hair thing is just too much for me to digest.

    But my objections to the word "Idol" proved to be something of an idol in themselves, I think. Or it could just be that I agree with Bette Midler's old line, "Sure I have standards. They're low standards, but they are standards..." :)

    For my money, you can't beat the entertainment value of AI. And there's educational value, too: If you're trying to break into any industry, you can learn a lot about how to make it happen (or not) by watching this show. Or, at least, I have.

    Can't wait till tomorrow night!!
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  05/02/05  at  03:21 PM
  10. I screamed into a pillow and wore black the day after Constatntine got voted off. I wanted him to win! He is really versatile. I was excited i was actually going to get to vote for him the next week because I could actually watch it at its scheduled time vs on videotape afterwards, meaning I could vote for Constatntine for the first time. Then he gets voted off. It was a sad day.
    Posted by Lynnell  on  05/05/05  at  06:47 PM
  11. Lynnell--Girl, you are one passionate Constantine fan!
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  05/06/05  at  01:09 AM
  12. another constantine fan.. he really seems to be great to have fans like you.
    Posted by female libido booster  on  11/26/08  at  03:06 AM
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