Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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So We’re Even

Sometimes, Dave Barry is the only man on earth who can clear matters up for me. Yesterday's column about females and their rear ends served just such a purpose.

Don't get me wrong. I understand the whole rear end thing. Dave's column provided the answer to a related question that has disturbed me for years, and he didn't even refer to my actual question once.

We've all read the studies on how often men think about sex. I've asked around, and the sheepish looks on the faces of the males I've queried has supported the results of the studies.

My question has always been, "So how do men actually get anything done? How are they able to be productive members of the work force, upstanding citizens, good husbands and fathers and neighbors, with all those distracting thoughts hitting their little minds at the rate of one every five seconds? How?"

As it turns out, men have oodles of spare thought time in spite of their pesky predilections. Dave Barry says that decades go by without the average male giving a single thought to the size of his own rear end.

Ladies, I ask you. Can you imagine what we could accomplish with all the time those guys have on their hands?
Posted by Katy on 08/11/03 at 08:38 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Isn't that the truth?!?! :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  08/12/03  at  01:00 PM
  2. oh great. i hadn't thought about my rear end before, but NOW i will. ;)
    Posted by bethany  on  08/12/03  at  01:41 PM
  3. does it help at all knowing that all the men out there are thinking about your rear-ends for you?
    Posted by James Mills  on  08/14/03  at  11:24 AM
  4. Now tell me honestly, Katy, and don't hold back now -- does my butt look big in this?
    Posted by Ivy  on  08/14/03  at  12:40 PM
  5. I think we should take the focus off women for a moment and someone needs to invent the 'beer-belly bra' for men. Maybe men could use some of that extra time to think about themselves and the way they look - and then maybe women would think about sex more often ;)
    Posted by laura  on  08/19/03  at  05:24 PM
  6. Love, love, love answers from the various "perspectives"--including the male. Laughed out loud about the beer-belly bra!!!
    Posted by katy  on  08/22/03  at  05:40 PM
  7. Page 1 of 1 pages
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