Personal blog of christian
Small PrintTypically, I don't read the small print.I sign contracts without so much as a peek at the part where it tells me all the many thousands of reasons why they will sue me if I screw up, and how every one of my possessions and all my hard-earned dollars will likely end up theirs. For what will it profit a woman if she gains all the knowledge to be found in the small print, but loses her sanity? In the middle of the night last night, I was presented with the contract from hell. I tried to poo-poo it, tried to ignore the tiny type, but I was prevailed upon by powers much stronger than I. Throughout the night, entire paragraphs and then pages of small print grew just large enough so that I could read their threatening diatribe and be adequately terrorized. Then, as each section of small print magnified itself until it became the large print, it was replaced by unending and rapidly reproducing quantities of new, but not improved, small print. Last night, I read the small print of my life for hours upon hours until, with the morning light, the migraine finally abated.
Posted by Katy on 10/13/03 at 04:55 PM
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