Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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So Saturday I got a little testy and nearly broke with my 7-day-long commitment to not nag my husband. I caught myself in time, but just barely.

"If you get lucky," I heard myself say, "this could be the last day of the first week of the rest of your life."

Sometimes even I don't know what I'm talking about.
Posted by Katy on 01/24/05 at 06:34 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy, you're a better woman than I am! Yesterday I pledged that I would go for 24 hours without, not only nagging my husband, but being mean to him in any way. Well, he came out of the gate criticizing me for something, and I gave him as good as I had gotten--totally forgetting my good intentions. *Sigh* Today is another day, right?
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  01/24/05  at  04:08 PM
  2. Cindy--Yeah, but my hubby doesn't criticize me! So why do I struggle with the nagging thing? Maybe because he's so darned nice all the time, it makes me think he's not listening when I ask him to do something. Nagging is how I've tried to get a reaction, but it SO doesn't work.

    This is purely experimental on my part, Cindy! I'm attempting, with God's grace, to make some headway on my serious character deficits. Please don't feel like you should follow MY example...I'm thinking you're a pretty great chick already. :)
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/24/05  at  04:43 PM
  3. Alas, I suffer the same. Ended up in a screaming fight, on our one year anniversary. And we're not even married yet :( YIKES!
    Posted by taranicole  on  01/24/05  at  05:03 PM
  4. Taranicole--I'm sorry, but you've got me chuckling! BTW, the only yelling and screaming matches around here happen when I play both parts. That's right....I lose my temper and yell at Doug. Then, when he doesn't yell back, I yell, "I KNOW what you're THINKING!!! You're thinking I should......." And then when he doesn't correct me, I yell, "But that's NOT what I'm thinking!! I'll TELL you what I think, since you asked..."
    Which of course, he didn't.
    You get the idea. Pathetic, huh?
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/24/05  at  06:25 PM
  5. Wow, 7 days without nagging - how much respect do I have for you?! Lol! I couldn't do it, it's my one way of venting my frustrations (the poor man!), luckily he's very calm and just takes whatever I throw at him without batting an eye-lid! Good on you!
    Posted by Tash  on  01/24/05  at  09:46 PM
  6. You've been married too long. Unfortunately
    there is no cure for that. I never, ever used
    to nag until after the "change". Now I hear myself, and I try to stop.... as it really sounds
    so awful. My husband is not a nag. But he also never compliments, nor says thank you.
    He only notices what I "don't" do. Thank goodness I have raised children that are the opposite. Wonder what makes a pessimist. Is it inherited I wonder?
    Posted by Candace Pfau  on  01/25/05  at  04:15 PM
  7. Tash--We once knew a couple with a guy who could take anything and a woman who could dish it out (besides us, that is!) One day, after 17 years of "taking it," the fellow SNAPPED. They stayed married, but the rules of engagement changed dramatically after that...Scary, huh?

    Candace--I think of pessimism as learned, but I don't know. If a kid has a lot of negative experiences (rejection, teasing, someone dying, parents fighting, let's say), maybe she ends up adding up all the bad experiences and coming to the conclusion that life is unhappy.
    The same kid, of course, could have added up only the happy things, but didn't...I'm glad your kids are looking at life in such a positive manner! You done good, girl.
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/26/05  at  02:58 PM
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