Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
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Seven-Year Itch? Not On My Life!

You know that statistic that has us discouraged? The one that says something like 95% of everyone who loses weight regains all they’ve lost plus more inside of so many years? What is it—two years? Five?

I LOVE defying statistics. It’s the rebel in me, I guess. The point is, we can get so depressed by believing we can’t succeed, we don’t even try. What’s up with that?

Seven years ago today, I weighed in at 183 (I’m 5’2”, just so you know). I decided I’d had enough. The day before, I’d purchased a copy of Dr. Atkin’s book. I’d read as much as it took to know how to begin, so begin I did.

If I had to sum up the most important element of the good doctor’s prescription for weightloss and lifelong health, it would be this: No White Stuff. I cold-turkey put the kabash on ALL sugar (of every color), plus white flour, rice, pasta, potato, and corn. Other foods were limited for a period of time, too, but those foods (and anything that contains them) haven’t been re-introduced. Ever.

Why? Because I’m a bloomin’ addict, that’s why!

I am NOT a food nazi, though, and would never tell others what they should or should not be eating, unless they ask me to share my experiences.

Still, I will say this: I got on the scale this morning (a doctor’s-style scale) with it set at my all-time high of 183. I slid it to the left until it hit 123. Then I did the Happy Dance right there on the scale, because I can.

How’s THAT for a statistic? I’m going to insert a cliche here, because it’s perhaps the most true thing ever uttered: If I can do it, so can you!

Now. I think I’ll go celebrate with an extra-large hard-boiled egg. It’s a special day, after all!

Posted by Katy on 02/03/07 at 07:48 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Thank you for this post. And congrats, girl! (I hope I don't turn into a food nazi about sugar...)

    I'm down 5 already!!
    Posted by Suzan  on  02/03/07  at  01:05 PM
  2. Suzan--You writing about your diet on your blog and Lisa S. starting her diet group got me thinking how seldom I mention this part of my life. But if it weren't for dear old Dr. A (God rest his soul), I'm not sure I would still be around--not with my family history!! Love you and MAJOR congrats on the 5 pounds!! That's fantastic!
    Posted by Katy  on  02/03/07  at  01:27 PM
  3. Here's to Dr. A.! I have followed the Atkin's way of eating of and on for years and I know it is what helps keep my weight down.

    Coincidentally we are of the same height and weight. However I have been around many more years and therefore am longer in the tooth than you.

    Good Lawd, I am making it sound like a contest and I am the winner. LOL
    Posted by Maria  on  02/05/07  at  08:09 PM
  4. Congrats, Katy! I have a sweet tooth and cannot imagine cutting out all forms of sugar. I'm trying to cut down on soft drinks (I think you call them sodas?) though. That's my first line of attack.

    Over here rice is a staple, so it's a bit difficult to get away from it, but I ask for smaller portions (I'm always eating out because it's kind of pointless cooking for one. Plus, I'm culinary-challenged, although microwaves work wonders!).
    Posted by Sunflower  on  02/05/07  at  11:36 PM
  5. Wow, Katy! That's downright inspiring!
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  02/06/07  at  07:01 AM
  6. Maria--You ARE the winner! You are the cutest little thing. I am proud to be an Atkins girl with you....

    Sunflower--I have a HUGE sweet tooth, but I've had to master the monster. When I started Atkins, over here you couldn't escape a meal without pasta. Usually something called a "never ending bowl" of pasta. I finally figured out I didn't need a never ending bowl of anything!! Cutting out soft drinks is a great step!

    Cindy--Not as inspiring as that pic of your new grandson! :) I'm jealous, but keeping it reined in....
    Posted by Katy  on  02/06/07  at  02:14 PM
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