Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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It shocks me that in any given season—this summer, for instance—we can experience enough change to make it feel like we’ve gone through several years’ worth of transitions.

Did I mention that three weeks ago, Carrie moved back in with us? She’s taken a job in the Kansas City school district, where she’ll be teaching first-grade-aged little girls with serious physical and mental handicaps. She hasn’t lived with us—or even in Kansas City—for six years, so we all wondered how we’d handle this change.

After all, Doug and I have been empty-nesters for a whole year now and believe me, we’ve enjoyed it. But having that girl back under our roof has been a beautiful thing, a joy I’m glad we didn’t miss. Granted, she won’t be here long. She’s engaged to be married to an amazing man, and already her heart is with him.

It’s a good thing we’re so happy with the temporarily fuller nest, though, because any minute another kid will come home to roost. Kevin’s broken up housekeeping with the gazillion guys he’s been living with, moved all his stuff back into our joint, and tonight he’ll be sleeping in his old room.

Granted, he’ll only be here until September 1, when he leaves for Switzerland—when we’ll have to make yet another adjustment to life without our buddy nearby.

But for ten whole days, we’ll have two of the kiddos with us, just like in the old days, before the speed of change almost caught up with the speed of light.

Message to our oldest son Scott and his wonderful wife Brooke: If you want to crash this Partay at the Raymond’s, there’s no time like the present!

From empty nest to full house, for probably the last time ever. We’re relishing the days in this oh, so short season.

Gotta run. I think I hear a kid at the door now!

Posted by Katy on 08/20/06 at 06:03 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. um...you could give them keys. :)

    Enjoy the short seasons, and the long ones.

    Michael M
    Posted by Michael Main  on  08/21/06  at  02:19 PM
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