Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Saturdays With(out) Kevin

"So, I'm outta here."

Kev rolled out of bed around noon after getting home after two in the morning, ate some breakfast, got dressed, and now stands before his dad and me in all his shining glory.

"What? You can't leave!" I love playing this role of mine. I've got the darned thing figured out down pat. "We'll miss you so much--Doug, look at your kid's face...Won't we miss him if he's not here?"

Kevin pretends to be a pain-in-the-hmmm-hmmm, and almost sounds convincing. "Yeah. Well, I'm going."

I pretend to mistrust him. "Just where do you think you're going?"

"John Jenkins."

"What are you gonna do with Jenkins?"

"Hang out."

His eyes begin to twinkle. He knows the piece-de-resistance is about to be delivered on a platter.

I furrow my brow and glare at him. "Hang out, huh? And what does that mean, exactly?"

"Do drugs."

Dear Lord, how I love that kid.
Posted by Katy on 03/12/05 at 02:19 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy,
    I love reading the posts about your relationship with Kevin. I have three boys and I pray that when they're grown they will still love and enjoy me as much as Kevin obviously does you!
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  03/12/05  at  09:51 PM
  2. Gosh, I though I was the only one that gave my mother that answer!
    Posted by Jim  on  03/13/05  at  08:38 AM
  3. I never know whether to be depressed or delighted when asked by my mother, "What are you doing tonight?" and I usually reply "Oh, on a date, after which we will make out for several hours." AND THEN SHE LAUGHS.
    Posted by Lindsey  on  03/17/05  at  06:21 AM
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