Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Roses In The Rocks

Eight dozen altogether, ninety-six roses placed by strong, gentle hands into the craggy rocks.

Made to look as though they’d sprung up there spontaneously in the summer twilight, as though planted by God Himself, in the rough but discernable shape of a tender heart.

And with the roses, a diamond ring, and the promise of forever transcending both the frailty of the rose and the permanence of the rock.

In the center of the heart of blooms, three words scribbled in the dirt. “I love you…” Longer than the rocks or the roses, the center will hold.

He loves you, our little girl, our beautiful grown up baby woman.

Our Carrie. Your Marc.

Love him with all your heart.

Posted by Katy on 08/19/06 at 07:59 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Congratulations, Carrie! And that has got to be one of the most romantic proposals I've ever heard of...
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  08/19/06  at  08:43 PM
  2. What a lovely proposal. And what an exciting time in Carrie's (and your!) life.

    May Jesus richly bless.
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  08/19/06  at  08:49 PM
  3. Congratulations to a handsome couple...and the parents! It would be wonderful to see a picture of the roses among the rocks. (Hint, hint!)
    Posted by Ginger  on  08/19/06  at  09:35 PM
  4. i will soon be the only single one in the family. thats ok, maybe i will come home with a swiss babe. carrie, i love you. marc... we need to talk.
    Posted by kevin raymond  on  08/20/06  at  12:01 AM
  5. Very sweet. =)

    Kevin, you be nice!

    Posted by Lynn  on  08/20/06  at  12:27 AM
  6. Congratulations and Best Wishes.

    May the blessings continue to pour forth.

    And I'll pray that the bride's parents survive yet another sign of a new season of life.

    God Bless,

    Michael M
    Posted by Michael Main  on  08/20/06  at  12:11 PM
  7. Carrie, how incredibly cool! I'm so very happy for you both! Doug told me the news today, and I think its fabulous (and what a great way to propose!)
    Posted by Aunt Lynn  on  08/20/06  at  09:33 PM
  8. You can see proposal pics at
    Thanks everybody! (btw, the whole rose thing was only part of the story--a very long, detailed story. He did a great job!
    Posted by Carrie Raymond  on  08/21/06  at  05:11 PM
  9. Hi,
    I have a diamond and I want to buy a diamond ring solitaire setting to set it in. Where is the best place to go?Can anyone please tell me?
    Posted by diamond clarity  on  09/13/10  at  02:49 AM
  10. The engagement ring isn't the only one you will need. You will also need to find a wedding band. This is usually much less complicated though. Often times you can purchase them in a set which makes it a lot easier.
    Posted by Trollbeads  on  09/19/11  at  04:32 AM
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