Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Role Models?

I Want...I mean...I Do."Joel wants Jennifer to stay home and raise the children," said the young blonde in the black boots and short skirt. She lifted her latte to her lips and sipped.

"When are they getting married?" asked the other woman, in the belted pink sweater and gray slacks.

"July. And Jennifer doesn't even want to have children."

Joel, according to what I overheard because my one excellent ear was pointed right their way, was raised by a workaholic father and a stay-at-home mom. Jennifer's mother, on the other hand, had always earned more than her father had, and that's the way her family liked it.

"Jennifer and Joel are so great together," Black Boots said. "They like all the same stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"You know, furniture, jewelry, clothes, that kind of stuff. They had no problem at all agreeing on the engagement ring."

"Yeah, but I wonder," Pink Sweater said, "if it might become a problem that she wants to continue her career and never be a mother."

"Oh, that's just a little thing. About everything else, they're cool."

"Yeah, you're right." P.S. agreed, relaxing her standards along with her shoulders. "I wish I had a relationship like theirs."

With that, they sighed, finished their drinks, and went their separate ways. Back into the cold, hard world, to resume the search for Mr. Not Quite Right.
Posted by Katy on 04/24/03 at 01:26 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. wow....that sounds like a marriage made in Divorce Court!
    Posted by Kari  on  04/24/03  at  04:02 PM
  2. signs of the times? *shakes head* they dont know what they could be missing.
    Posted by Linnor  on  04/24/03  at  06:42 PM
  3. Good gracious, "just a little thing"??! *faints*<br><br>And I thought this generation had lost its idealism!
    Posted by irene  on  04/24/03  at  11:40 PM
  4. *snicker*...<br><br><br>*giggle*......<br><br><br>*chuckle*.....<br><br><br>BWAHAHAHAAAAAAA!
    Posted by DrTuba  on  04/25/03  at  09:15 AM
  5. Ah well, at least they'll look cute with all their matching "stuff," right?? Ack!
    Posted by Ellen  on  04/25/03  at  12:54 PM
  6. Hey! I'd like to say that not *everyone* in the young generation is superficial, myopic, and materialistic!<br><br>We also happen to be jaded and cynical. Why expect perfection when the standard is mediocrity?<br><br>Working with others and compromising is never easy. All generations know this.
    Posted by Maria  on  04/25/03  at  05:37 PM
  7. I'm gonna' let this run and see who else comes out of the woodwork...tee, hee.
    Posted by katy  on  04/26/03  at  10:07 AM
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