Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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OK. I’m serious this time. New Year’s resolutions. I’m. Not. Kidding.

1. Either get the novel I’ve already written in publishable shape, or write another. It’s not rocket science, Katy.

2. Finish all the paperwork to get both my British and Irish citizenships.

3. Bulk up the travel fund ASAP, and make the journey with Doug to Ireland and Scotland. Stay until we really want to come home.

4. Don’t join the gym, but do exercise at home.

5. Continue to thin out possessions. Plan future purchases around items with intrinsic, increasing value rather than fleeting, decreasing value. In other words, stop buying and warehousing worthless junk.

6. Avoid doing any type of meditation which encourages me to “find my center of emotion.” That’s too scary for even the firmly resolved to contemplate!

7. Invest in relationships—with God, my family, and friends both new and old. Sing “Auld Lang Syne” on New Year’s Eve with a Scottish brogue and a devoted heart.

That’s it for me. How about you? Anything you intend to do or—equally important—avoid doing?

Posted by Katy on 12/27/05 at 02:00 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. How about FIND all the paperwork that you gave me to get the British/Irish citizenship??? Honestly, I think that Jim must have pitched it. I have looked and looked everywhere. Didn't you say that Mom had an extra copy?? Cuz I'm there with you in Chicago when you get yours! :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/28/05  at  11:01 AM
  2. Bridgie--I SO understand, but there is hope. When you give up finding it, it might turn up. I should know--I found my cell phone and charger! Doug had plugged it in behind some decorative stuff on my desk in the hall, and I hadn't dusted this particular corner since mid-September!!! Embarassing, but true...We also found our missing license plate for the Saturn wagon, hiding under the spare tire in the back. Now if I could just find my driver's license, I'd be all set!
    Posted by Katy  on  12/28/05  at  05:55 PM
  3. I need to work on #5 and also get my children their Canadian citizenship.
    Posted by Kathryn, the daring one  on  12/29/05  at  11:36 PM
  4. Hi,
    Meditation teaches us to give no importance to minor thoughts. When we meditate powerfully we develop a sense of oneness with other people; we naturally look to their good qualities.Better Relations with Others. Often we can have minor conflicts with other people because we dwell on minor faults of the other person. Whether it is justified or not, it is a common source of unhappiness and division.
    Posted by Guided meditation  on  09/24/10  at  10:39 PM
  5. What a great post. I have to say I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks<a >feromonas</a>
    Posted by feromonas  on  10/03/10  at  10:03 PM
  6. Great resolutions Katy, specially the 7th. We really need to devote a few minutes of our daily time with Him. There's no better life than one that is centered Him. There is no problem too hard that God cannot solve.
    Posted by Spiritual Guidance  on  04/29/11  at  09:37 PM
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