Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Red Alert!

I guess since I'm living in the land of "a three and a two," Mama-lingo for "Wednesday and Tuesday" respectively, I can't help but notice certain other individuals' little idiosyncracies. Or idiosyncrasies. Whatever.

On September 9, Doug's 53rd birthday, I did not hesitate to report to you that he put a box of baggies in the refrigerator. In that same spirit of compassion, then, I offer you the update: Today, I opened the door of the master bathroom's linen closet and found there, on the shelf with the hand towels, a cup of coffee.

"I must have set it down when I was looking for Kleenex," he said. In his defense, he developed an icky cold last night, and therefore might be mildly delirious.

"Hmmm. Well, did you at least find the Kleenex?"


If things ever get so bad that I can't blow my nose, I sure hope I manage to hang onto my coffee.

Question: When you do something like leave a cup of java in the linen closet, do you miss it? Or do you just continue on with your life as if NOTHING HAPPENED? Could you really feel that unattached to the very beverage of Heaven above?

I'll tell you what, if my cup of coffee were lost, I'd leave the 99 empty cups that have no need of being found and search diligently until I lifted it once again to my grateful lips.
Posted by Katy on 09/23/05 at 03:07 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. My girlfriend has not had a good day unless she's lost at least 8 cups of coffee. Sometimes she finds them in the barn, in the basement, in her car, once she even found a frozen one, in her chest freezer.
    Posted by Bonnie Calhoun  on  09/24/05  at  12:02 AM
  2. I lose my cups of coffee all of the time. I just pour another cup, and then lose that one too. I'll go through an entire 12-cup pot of coffee by myself, and manage drinking only about one or two of them.
    Posted by Pattie  on  09/24/05  at  12:12 AM
  3. i haven't yet lost a cup of coffee (that i remember, anyway), but i do lose loads of other things - car keys, camera battery chargers, reference books, my gym lock, et cetera. most of this is due to the bag obsession that began about two years ago and persists still..i have a bunch and like to change them on a whim, so ther are bags here and there in my house (and car) with a few things left in them from when i used them last. such complicated lives we lead, it's a wonder we don't have available to us that button system to locate the cordless phone attached to every item we value!
    short story - chad's grandfather was running a christmas tree farm one year and after an evening of brisk sales, could not find his bulging wallet. they all looked high and low until someone found it in the microwave. as to the cup of coffee he had meant to warm up in there, it has never been found...
    Posted by lisa  on  09/24/05  at  05:48 AM
  4. Katy, I can relate to Doug's coffee cup in the linen closet. I once tossed some items in my freezer after I returned from the grocery store...along my bank card, which I didn't find for nearly two weeks. Now whenever anything's lost, I check the freezer first.
    Sad but true tale. (I've got two years on your husband; just wait'll he turns 55!)
    Posted by Bonnie  on  09/25/05  at  01:34 AM
  5. LOL! I haven't hit the big 3-0 yet, but I lose my coffee cup all the time. I know mine's missing though, and if I can't remember where I sat it down last, I just head back to the kitchen for a new cup. ;)
    Posted by Hope Wilbanks  on  09/25/05  at  11:23 AM
  6. Losing coffee cups?

    I'm with Katy here. If (read: when) I loose my coffee cup, I won't drink coffee until I find it. Because as much as I'm addicted to coffee, I'm even more dependant on my coffee cup, which is actually a mug. A huge one, maybe 3-4 dl. Inside it's light blue. Outside cream white, with an adorable pic of Eyore on it. Nobody else is allowed to touch it, and I only drink coffee from it. A webcam friend once asked me, if that mug was glued to my hand...

    Well, there you go. Another dark secret from me 'blush'
    Posted by eija  on  09/25/05  at  03:00 PM
  7. "In that same spirit of compassion, then..."


    I lose my cup of tea and my glass of water from time to time. Sometimes I forget that the teabag is in the mug on the kitchen counter while I am off to the next thing, thinking I already had my tea. Other times I drink tea on autopilot and am disappointed because I don't remember drinking it.
    Posted by FindingJoy  on  09/25/05  at  06:57 PM
  8. This is related to losing things:
    I was going out of town last Monday and since I am obsessive about getting to the airport at least two hours early, I got there at 6 AM. While I was getting my stuff out of the truck I noticed some keys on the floor. Not mine, my wife's.
    I called her because I knew she would have a simple solution to the problem. See, I have a much more dangerous condition than losing things. I Have No Common Sense. I was afraid I would drive all the way home and my wife would say, "Why didn't you just..." and I would feel like a fool.
    But she didn't say, "Why don't you..." so I drove home, dropped off the keys, and drove back to the airport. Thirty minutes each way. I made it in plenty of time.

    My wife loses things a lot. But I overlook it. I couldn't survive without her. She Has Common Sense.
    Posted by Angus Lewis  on  09/25/05  at  09:05 PM
  9. Hey. I do that at my age. =P
    Posted by Lynn  on  09/25/05  at  09:05 PM
  10. I lose things all the time, and find them in the strangest places. The worst incidents involve losing housekeys out of town, utensils in the trash can, books in coat pockets, and pens in pants pockets of garments being worn. I once had to open and close the microwave a half-dozen times before I'd managed to get some water IN the cup IN the microwave then turned ON in order to make tea. (Empty cup, full cup in refrigerator, cup in microwave off, cup in microwave on.) I also forget I'm holding things while I'm walking and drop them when I reach for something else. (My poor Discman!) But at my age, they call it ADD. :)
    Posted by Steph  on  09/27/05  at  05:11 AM
  11. wmjltwft http://elociyis.com zlmzvyje cbxmacun
    Posted by jrjmwvwf  on  01/01/09  at  05:27 AM
  12. A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way.
    Posted by separably  on  01/03/09  at  06:57 AM
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