Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Wow! The bon voyage party for Kevin was a huge success! Many, many thanks to all of you who made it even more fun by joining in my impromptu comment shower. Kev got a big kick out of it, not to mention a cool $150.

I never know what to expect when I throw a bash at the Raymond house. We invited everyone on both sides of the family, which—if all the invitees were to show up—is around 50 people. After a minor slowdown in family growth, things are kicking into high gear again—all the kids in my children’s gen are getting married and my mother now has four great-grandchildren. To think Mom was an only child, and now is matriarch to around 45 of us.

Besides family, Kev put out an open invite to his friends. He expected ten or so. I’d say forty of them showed up! What a fantastic group of young adults. I love every darn one of them.

In other news, today is Day Sixty And Still Counting Without Starbucks. In our world, that means we’ve prevented the spending of $480! I’m sorry, but that’s starting to sound like real money.

Today, however, I did spend $15 that wasn’t completely essential. I have been desperately craving a snow cone maker all summer long. My blender will NOT crush ice, and I have wonderful DaVinci and other calorie free syrups that I wanted to use in crushed-ice-intensive treats. I’d decided that when Walmart put theirs on sale, I’d pick one up, which I did today for $12.

I also had a CVS coupon for $5 off a $5 purchase. I’ve needed a couple lipsticks pretty badly, if anyone can ever really “need” lipstick. Loreal was BOGO, regularly priced $8 each. So I picked up two, and only had to add $3 to my coupon.

Fifteen bucks in two months. That’s how much I personally have spent on items I didn’t have to purchase. Now, you should understand that funding a going-away party for a son we’ll be separated from for ten months is in my mind an essential espense. If it’s about relationships, I’ll spend money.

Evidently, I can also be induced to spend if it’s about wearing a nice shade of lipstick while imbibing a homemade snow cone.

Everyone has a price, eh?

Posted by Katy on 08/15/06 at 12:20 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. One must look one's best when imbibing a homemade snow cone. (Imbibing? Just what "syrups" are you putting in these treats?) I hope you wore your Vera Wang.

    Glad Kevvie got the star treatment. That's fun. :)
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  08/15/06  at  12:57 PM
  2. Jeanne, my love--Well. The girl who checked me out said, "My sister makes Margarita snow cones with one of these..." Man, that sounded GOOD, but alas. Imbibing of that sort isn't cal and carb free. If I had one of two of those puppies, though, I'd be VERY "wanged." ;)
    Posted by Katy  on  08/15/06  at  01:35 PM
  3. thanks again for the party mom, and for the cool $150. just so you know i created a trablog (travel web log) to use while i am gone. its at kpraymond.googlepages.com love you!
    Posted by kevin  on  08/15/06  at  07:45 PM
  4. Katy, your son used googlepages...
    Posted by Lynn  on  08/15/06  at  11:42 PM
  5. Seems like you missed an opportunity... the right flavor snow cone syrups would seem suitable to give one rosy red lips for the duration :)

    Glad the party went well...Make Good Decisions, Kevin.

    Michael 1 of 4
    Posted by Michael Main  on  08/16/06  at  06:17 AM
  6. Kevvie--Cool trablog! Will there be a comments feature? You know how I love to comment!

    Lynn--I've never even heard of googlepages!

    Michael 1--Dang! You are so right! And I had my sugar-free cherry syrup right in the panty!!! I don't need no stinkin' lipstick! :)
    Posted by Katy  on  08/16/06  at  08:25 AM
  7. unfortunately there is no comment option, you will just have to email. i would have used something like blogger but i just like how googlepages is so simple looking.
    Posted by kevin  on  08/16/06  at  10:11 AM
  8. "I had my sugar-free cherry syrup right in the panty."

    Too much information. ;)
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  08/16/06  at  02:08 PM
  9. Jeanne----OMG!!!!!!! I am no stranger to blogging about panties, but why doesn't SOMEBODY get me an editor??? TMI, indeed.
    Posted by Katy  on  08/16/06  at  02:29 PM
  10. A snowcone maker, Katy? What a great buy! But tell me, where do you get those pointy little holders? If you eat it out of a cup, is it still called a snowcone?
    Posted by Bonnie  on  08/16/06  at  03:11 PM
  11. Bonnie--They sell the pointy paper cones right by the snow cone maker and syrups! I'm too cheap to buy them, though...I just use a bowl, so I guess I'd call it a "Snow Bowl." Although that sounds like a toilet cleaner!!
    Posted by Katy  on  08/19/06  at  06:53 PM
  12. Page 1 of 1 pages
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