Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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So. It's 8:15 a.m. I've been up two hours already. Kev left for school an hour ago, and Doug is gone to all-day meetings. I'm alone in the house, which rarely happens in a two-career-self-employed-couple.

I've visited every blog in my favorites, including those who only post once every eleven months . Now I'm on my second go-round through all the sites I look at every day, just in case I missed something. All in an effort to avoid opening a Word doc and beginning a good day's work on my novel.

Question: When will I stop being such a chicken, and just face the fact that I don't have a clue what will happen with my book until I start to write today's words?

Second question: Will a whole bunch of you please blog RIGHT NOW? You have no idea how much this means to me.
Posted by Katy on 09/25/03 at 08:26 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I've never commented, but I just want to say I love reading your blog. Also, if you're really that bored, you can check out mine (sporadically updated though it is) at bcampbell.blogspot.com
    Posted by Brandy  on  09/25/03  at  09:20 AM
  2. How embarrassing, it's bncampbell.blogspot.com
    Posted by Brandy  on  09/25/03  at  09:20 AM
  3. Brandy, How great is this? I went to your blog, with my squirrelly avoidance behavior in mind, but truly appreciated your writing. A new favorite! But, please, post soon!
    Posted by katy  on  09/25/03  at  09:28 AM
  4. Wow, I'm surprised and flattered that you liked it. I hope to update it some more soon.
    Posted by Brandy  on  09/25/03  at  10:03 AM
  5. i'm done for the day, myself, with not much of a new post (2 minutes of a distraction tops). and hence i am searching through your blog in much the same way. you've got a lot more to offer in the way of inspiration.
    Posted by petes  on  09/25/03  at  11:30 AM
  6. Peter, You are kind. I've checked your sites a couple of times today. Kim needs to start a blog so I can get both sides of the story! It's noon now, and I've added 1200 words to my novel between blog-reading-avoidance behaviors, so that 's not too pathetic. 800 more words, and I can stop being afraid until tomorrow!
    Posted by katy  on  09/25/03  at  11:54 AM
  7. I was just going to tell you I do the same thing with your blog, petes and sco's each time I sit down to work. I am a bit of a procrastinator and your blog always provides a great distraction and a rational to my procrastionation. I laughed when I saw Peter had already commented in the same manner and then you saw that you addressed me-- I will try to summon the courage to start a blog if it would help you out. :)
    Posted by Kim  on  09/25/03  at  12:06 PM
  8. Kim, Yes. I am pleading for your assistance! We workers-at-home (and other computer workers) must safeguard each others' mental well-being. Distracted Workers of the World, Unite!
    Posted by katy  on  09/25/03  at  12:16 PM
  9. i would wholly support kim's procrastination efforts if it meant we'd get to read her mind in a blog. and for the record, kim doesn't have a side to the story because i didn't write that into the blog concept. ;)
    Posted by petes  on  09/25/03  at  12:17 PM
  10. Well, Ms. Katy, if you really want to procrastinate...

    Check your e-mail.
    Posted by Maria  on  09/25/03  at  03:20 PM
  11. Pete, I'm often amazed by the things that aren't written into the concept, and yet occur. It has not escaped my notice that as of today, Kim has her own blog. Yea!!
    Posted by katy  on  09/26/03  at  08:37 AM
  12. Maria, Oh, yeah, baby. That had the best procrastination value of the day!
    Posted by katy  on  09/26/03  at  08:38 AM
  13. well...i'm just now reading your plea for more blog candy to savor before you had to eat your veggies...if you're still in the mood, i just TONIGHT posted a FABULOUS quote from thomas edison over at hmmm... ;)
    Posted by lisa  on  09/27/03  at  11:38 PM
  14. Lisa, Great quote! I'm looking ahead at my calendar for October and realizing I have no idea in heaven how I'm going to fit my writing schedule in! I feel like I've failed 10,000 times at figuring out how to have a productive writing life.(Reading blogs is only a little diversion. Real life provides the rest.)
    Posted by katy  on  09/28/03  at  08:42 AM
  15. ah, yes...real life. i find it hard to make room for a creative outlet in the midst of family needs, laundry, cooking, barista-ing, etcetera. it's important, though, so let us keep plugging away at those snatches of time, those scheduled hours, giving up a bit of sleep here, a clean living room there. life can't become so engrossing we have no time left to try to recapture pieces of it in story, song or color, eh?
    Posted by lisa  on  09/28/03  at  05:11 PM
  16. You are a right-thinking woman. Hanging on to your great perspective will serve you well throughout your lifetime! Perhaps I postponed creative outlets too aggressively while the kids were young. Now that I've got the time, I'm not sure the needed brain connections have been established. Practice your creativity, girl!!
    Posted by katy  on  09/29/03  at  09:07 AM
  17. so today the extent of letting my creative juices flow was brainstorming all the words i could think of that ended in 'end'...small, but something :).
    Posted by lisa  on  09/30/03  at  03:38 PM
  18. I not only blogged today, but I redesigned! Then I came here to see what you've been up to! :)
    Posted by Ellen  on  09/30/03  at  04:17 PM
  19. Lisa, Baby steps! Keeping the mind engaged, the heart active, the soul alive. You're doing great.

    Ellen, Very much enjoy the new look at your site! And that you list fallible under "writers" gave me a bit of a thrill, I might add. Thanks!
    Posted by katy  on  10/01/03  at  09:58 AM
  20. grand advice, katy. thanks.
    Posted by lisa  on  10/01/03  at  02:59 PM
  21. If only I had the time...I'm just now catching up on READING yours...
    Posted by Bridget  on  10/02/03  at  07:44 PM
  22. Bridgie, Borrow an Alphasmart from your school, and keep it on the couch with you after your knee surgery. You'll be surprised what you crank out in fits and spurts!
    Posted by katy  on  10/03/03  at  07:53 AM
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