Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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The Asian woman, not long in this country, sat me down in her chair and asked what I wanted.

I'm never too sure about these things. My vision for my hair changes weekly, sometimes hourly, and often I ask for the impossible--to look like Katie Couric or, if my hair's too short, Halle Barry.

I spared her my sense of humor, gave her loose guidelines, told her I trusted her, and removed my glasses. I warned her that, glassesless, I could neither see nor hear, so it would be useless for her to attempt further communication until the deed was done.

She cut in total silence, fitting in sublimely with my deafness and blindness. Eventually, she held a blow dryer in front of my face and when I nodded, she turned it on high. My deafness was immediately magnified.

She took this opportunity to ask questions, many questions, evidently important questions, presumably style-related but who could say for sure? I smiled a lot and nodded some more, attempting with 20/400 vision to read the lips of a woman who spoke poor English.

One word came through--"mousse." Yes, I said, that would be fine! Finally, I felt we had connected, bonded even.

She knew just what I wanted.

I closed my eyes and imagined her flipping the back up cutely and adding an inch to my short stature with her wizardry. I almost fell asleep as she hypnotically worked the mousse through my hair.

"Doug will want to take me out tonight," I thought, and the idea made me grin.

She took a brush to my head then, plastering my hair to my scalp in an unbelievably disturbing show of passive aggression. Pleased with herself and her artistry, she handed me my glasses and a mirror.

"You like?" she asked.

Next time, I'll bring a picture.
Posted by Katy on 06/06/03 at 04:03 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Pshaw. One woman's art is another woman's angst. ;)
    Posted by Maria  on  06/06/03  at  05:24 PM
  2. So you really think she thought I looked fabulous? OMG.
    Posted by katy  on  06/07/03  at  05:35 PM
  3. I agree with Maria. I once spent a good half hour making fun of a pepto pink crocheted collar (which was *hideous*) on a church garage sale item, only to have a woman walk up moments later and exclaim, "How lovely!"
    Posted by Mary  on  06/08/03  at  02:29 PM
  4. I have never commented here before, but I really enjoy reading your writings. Your writing style is so conversational and pleasurable to read. I am not even sure if that is even the appropriate descriptive, but it seemed to fit. God bless. - Joshua~
    Posted by wonderbox  on  06/09/03  at  12:05 AM
  5. answers the question, Oh where is my hairbrush?<br><br>O
    Posted by owen  on  06/09/03  at  08:34 AM
  6. this too shall grow out, right?
    Posted by lisa  on  06/10/03  at  04:11 PM
  7. Mary, I see your point. I just want to think my tast is the right taste! Visited your site, and am sending candy, flowers and champagne in my heart!<br><br>Joshua--Many thanks! I've enjoyed reading your site, and please congratulate your mother on her graduation! You must be proud.<br><br>Owen--And whenever we can get a question answered, that's a good day!<br><br>Lisa--That's the very best thing about hair, don't you think?<br><br>
    Posted by katy  on  06/11/03  at  01:58 PM
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