Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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WordServe Literary

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When you guys click on to my blog, do you get the pop-up ad for the Jewish dating service?

How's that working for you?
Posted by Katy on 06/19/03 at 04:18 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Hi, Simon! A couple people have reported this to me, and it happens when I click on fallible, as well. I have no idea why...I'll ask my techie husband if he can fix it--I don't want pop-ups, although this is a good one.
    Posted by katy  on  06/19/03  at  09:07 PM
  2. No, I haven't but that is probably a good thing since my wife is still out of town. It just would not be kosher!<br><br>James
    Posted by James Mills  on  06/19/03  at  11:23 PM
  3. i haven't seen them either. but if you're offering, i wouldn't object to you getting me some phone numbers. ;)
    Posted by bethany  on  06/20/03  at  12:58 AM
  4. Nope... nothing about dating a Jewish Princess yet. In fact, I haven't had any pop-ups. Should I be having a few?
    Posted by simon  on  06/20/03  at  04:59 AM
  5. Erm...no pop-ups whenever I have visited (which is daily). It sounds odd to have them happening so sporadically. <br><br>But since I am here and posting a comment I must say that your website is always a positive addition to my day!
    Posted by April  on  06/20/03  at  06:11 AM
  6. No, I come here almost daily and have never had any pop-up ads. Strange that some people get them and some don't!
    Posted by irene  on  06/20/03  at  09:08 AM
  7. Irene, I meant to say, "Are there Jewish dating services there?"
    Posted by katy  on  06/20/03  at  04:49 PM
  8. just a thought about the pop-ups. Could they be from a particular ISP or type of ISP (hi-speed, dial-up. etc.) since they are not consistant for all users?<br><br>PS Your blog is a highlight of my day. When you have a new posting (long or short - but long is better!) I eagerly read it savoring each word. Thanks for your creative insights to life!
    Posted by Kat  on  06/20/03  at  05:15 PM
  9. katy - yes, actually you do ;)
    Posted by bethany  on  06/20/03  at  10:20 PM
  10. April, The sporadicity of the problem is odd, I think. Perhaps Kat, who comments here, has the answer...I am happy to add to your day. Stop coming here if I start subtracting from it!<br><br>James, How you doing with those little kids of yours? She'll be home soon...(please, God!)<br><br>Bethany, Do I seem like the match-maker type to you?<br><br>Irene, Thanks for weighing in from overseas! Are their Jewish dating services there?<br><br>Kat--I've forwarded your ideas about pop-ups to hubby, who still looked bewildered. Hmmm...Thank you for your kind comments. I hope to give you reasons to come back.
    Posted by katy  on  06/21/03  at  12:48 AM
  11. I'm getting the ads...
    Posted by Ellen  on  06/23/03  at  04:52 AM
  12. Well, I'm not too sure, but I don't think so, Katy :) We are, after all, officially a Muslim country...
    Posted by irene  on  06/23/03  at  08:03 AM
  13. Irene--Would being in Malaysia prevent these ads from popping up? I don't know how that works.<br><br>Ellen--You're in Bosnia, right? I'll go ahead and be dumb and ask what the predominant relgion there is. Any need for a Jewish dating service?<br><br>
    Posted by katy  on  06/24/03  at  06:39 PM
  14. Well, perhaps. There are very few Jews here, so perhaps a service is needed for them to find each other? The main religion here is Islam, with Orthodoxy and Catholicism trailing...
    Posted by Ellen  on  06/25/03  at  07:57 AM
  15. Is your blog trying to tell me something? Now I'm getting a diet pills pop-up ad!
    Posted by Ellen  on  06/28/03  at  01:27 AM
  16. Ellen, Oh, NO!! Anything but THAT! lol. Well, it does make sense that diet pills and dating services kind of go togehter...<br>Thanks for giving me the rundown on religion in Bosnia. Really interesting.
    Posted by katy  on  06/28/03  at  07:53 AM
  17. Page 1 of 1 pages
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