Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Paper Trained

The Arts section of the New York Times is a particular joy of mine, one which I indulge in for the cost of an Americano, if a reader leaves the paper behind at Starbucks.

The way a person holds a newspaper is fascinating, don't you think?

One reader opens the whole thing up like an unwieldly double-wide trailer, and doesn't have to move again for many minutes. His best friend--long-lost these past thirty years--might walk in, order a latte, and walk out again, without this newspaper-holder ever sensing his presence.

Another reader folds the paper back upon itself vertically, and then perhaps once more horizontally, until only that which is above or below the fold is viewable, leaving her free to take in her surroundings, and even carry on conversations, while she partakes of the written word.

The type of paper-holder who has always baffled me, though, is the one who holds the section intact in all its vertical glory, and precisely peels back only the outside edges of the selected page, so that the entire vast interior remains a mystery.

It has always seemed stingy to me, like the reader is guarding against someone who might be trying to peek over his shoulder, who might be trying to get to the good stuff first.

Today, with the Arts section, I caught myself holding the paper this way, and I had to laugh.

It didn't feel stingy or selfish at all, like I'd supposed it to be. Instead, it felt like unwrapping a Christmas present slowly and methodically, from someone who always gives me gifts I love.

Edges first, carefully, don't let the Scotch tape rip the wrapping, take your time.

There's something worth waiting for at every step along the way.
Posted by Katy on 06/20/03 at 01:29 PM
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