Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Overwhelmed, But In A Really, Really Good Way…

Right off the bat, you can probably picture me sprawled out on the bed in my jammies, worn to within a wrinkle of my life by Writers Conference Overload.

You think I’ve gotten a sinus infection from the unrelenting Texas humidity and now have three prescriptions ready to pick up at Osco, if I can only drag my pathetic self to the car and hit-up the all-night pharmacy.

You think it’ll take me a week to recover from the excitement because, well…I’m kind of an old chick as young chicks go, but you know what? It’s Doug who’s exhausted. That’s right. Doug.

Since we got home from the American Christian Writers Conference five hours ago, I have not ceased to regale the man with fantastic stories of the people I met, the friends with whom I reunited, the editors and agents I pitched and thoroughly enjoyed, the authors who gave of their talents and time so generously, and the stratospheric quality of the down comforter and pillows at the Dallas Marriott.

After an hour, he got a few words in edge-wise. “I’m so glad you had a great time…”

“Oh, baby, you don’t know the tenth of it.”

He didn’t smile too broadly, and I wondered why.

“Let me tell you about…” My mouth off and ran for the next full hour, no inhalation needed, thank you VERY much.

“Hon, that’s great. And you liked the Early Bird session, too—” It was more of a statement than a question, a technicality I didn’t pick up on at the moment.

“Are you KIDDING? It was the highlight of my LIFE!” Of course, I didn’t mean my whole life, but at least the couple days’ worth of my life I’d just condensed into two hyperactive hours. “Colleen Coble and Deb Raney did an amazing job, and the girl with the black hair and the black framed glasses who looked EXCELLENT in the periwinkle silk jacket had a supurb blurb about her romantic suspense and Colleen said she—”

“How was the dinner for the Faith in Fiction crowd? The ones who comment on that Bethany House editor’s blog?”

“You mean Dave Long? How sweet of you to remember! Suzan Robertson—you know the girl I mean, right? the one with the Bronx accent and the naturally curly black hair I’d die (and dye) for? here, let me show you her picture on her blog—well, she organized it and reserved a space forever ago and man, oh, man, were there ever some fun people there. I heard a bunch of them went out afterwards until some hour that could only be described by me as ‘wee’ and did whatever faithy fiction folks do…”

His eyes sparkled, but not for long before the first fruits of terminal glaze set in.

“Are you going to give me a blow-by-blow of every single hour of the entire five days, including the ‘wees’?”

“What, babe? You can’t keep up?”

“It’s not that,” he said, but I had to wonder. “Although, I did lose track when you started describing the Formal Banquet Entree Exchange Program. Did you really trade Lisa Samson’s chicken for your salmon? Scraped it off her china right there in the ballroom, with the crystal chandeliers and the swan-folded napkins and the four forks each?”

It’s not MY fault that he had the poor judgment to ask a question at this stage of the game, knowing that I would have no problem keeping this conversation going well nigh unto forever.

“You know very WELL Lisa is a vegan!” I said, feeling suddenly defensive to think he couldn’t appreciate the finer points of my buddies’ dietary persuasions. I also reminded myself to go to dictionary.com and get the scoop on veganism once and for all. “The polenta went to my right, the rolls and butter made the full circle without stopping twice except at Michael Snyder’s plate, and my cheesecake landed in the middle of the table, up for grabs.”

That was all it took. His eyes coated over faster than hot glaze poured on a Krispy Kreme. Five full hours of chatting him up, and here’s his final whimper of an answer:

“How soon can I sign you up for next year?”

Posted by Katy on 09/24/06 at 05:16 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. What an incredibly cool experience...I'm so glad that you had a great time! Welcome home. Glad you made it safely back. Love to you always.
    Posted by Bridget  on  09/24/06  at  09:04 PM
  2. Bridgie--I will email you with more of the conference scoop. I'm tellin' you, girl, I've got stories to tell..... :)
    Posted by Katy  on  09/25/06  at  10:29 AM
  3. Hey, bring him along next year. I'm bringing my hubby, and: I AM DRIVING! In case I forget, please remind me! I AM NOT BOOKING A 90 MINUTE FLIGHT TO DALLAS that turns into a 6 hour ordeal! Remind me of the horror, okay?

    Whew1 Anyway, it was GREAT to hang with you, sister K.

    Love ya
    Posted by Suzan  on  09/25/06  at  01:19 PM
  4. Sorry, Katy. That was me posting.
    I'm so tired I don't know what I am doing.
    Posted by Suzan  on  09/25/06  at  01:21 PM
  5. YOU ARE TOOOOOO CUTE!!! What a joy it was to meet you face to face. You are a hottie!!!!! TOTALLY! What fun it was to hang a bit....
    Posted by relevantgirl  on  09/25/06  at  03:02 PM
  6. Suzan--Girl, I know when it's you!! (An email notifies me when I receive a comment here...) Besides, after what we've been through, I think I might be able to "feel" your presence even without your siggy! :)

    RelevantMary--LET THE FALLIBLE RECORD SHOW: Mary DeMuth thinks I'm a HOTTIE!!! OK, folks. This is a first here on fallible! A very fun first, I might add. Mary is fully ten years or more my junior and SHE IS INDEED a hottie (someone took a pic of us together, but I don't know who....and dang, she looked good) but she's also an amazing author, whose books and website you should be reading. Mary, I love you. And I gratefully receive your affirmation! :)

    Suzan--Bring husbands? Would they each get their own room, too? Because I AIN'T sharing that bed!!!! If that minor detail were resolved, though, I'd bring my fellow along, too..... ;)
    Posted by Katy  on  09/25/06  at  03:41 PM
  7. Katy,
    How very wonderful to meet you face to face!! Wasn't it great? Glad it was a wonderful time for you. Let me know how things play out with the agent and books and the whole nine yards!
    Posted by Paula  on  09/25/06  at  05:33 PM
  8. Katy, you doll! Smart, funny, amazing. I loved every second with you and craved more.

    I'm afraid you're stuck with me for life.

    Much love,
    Posted by Claudia Mair Burney  on  09/25/06  at  06:04 PM
  9. Paula--It was incredible!!! Doesn't blogging make a huge difference in our relationship building? I didn't even need to see your name tag to know who you were! I LOVED that, and you are every bit as beautiful as your pic.....

    Claudia Mair--I was emailing you at exactly the same time you were posting here!!!! We will have opportunities to know each other better, you and I. I know it. You are just as stuck with me, and it's the kind of stuck I don't want to get unstuck from. That sentence may not fly with an editor, but I meant it from my heart. I love you!
    Posted by Katy  on  09/25/06  at  06:15 PM
  10. OK, in my defense I've had a blast hearing about the great people and fun times at ACFW. Yes, the portion-by-portion meal descriptions were over the top, but I feel like <i>I've</i> even made new friends just listening to the stories. Glad you had such an awesome time Katy, and you ACFW'ers rock.
    Posted by Doug  on  09/25/06  at  07:56 PM
  11. Ahahahhaaa!! That's about the kind of conversation me and my husband have after I've been away for a day or so, I never quite knew how to put it though. "His eyes coated over faster than hot glaze poured on a Krispy Kreme."
    Posted by Tess  on  09/25/06  at  10:41 PM
  12. I have enjoyed going around to all the FiFer's blogs and finding out how wonderful ACFW was, and how much I missed. I am definitely in for next year.

    Posted by Marvin  on  09/26/06  at  02:25 PM
  13. Hi Katy,
    So good to meet you at ACFW. What a delight you are.
    Thanks for the report!
    Posted by Deborah  on  09/26/06  at  03:26 PM
  14. Doug--Have I told you lately that I love you? Because, baby, I do.

    Tess--I have permanently sworn off the Krispys, so I have to use them in my prose. It's "comfort prose," I guess! :)

    Marvin--How fun that you dropped by here! I am going to be a more faithful FIFer after meeting so many at ACFW. What an all-around great group of folks. Hope to meet you soon!

    Deb--You are a doll! I am hearing such great things about your book that now I've got to get it! Loved all the pics you took, too.... :)
    Posted by Katy  on  09/26/06  at  03:59 PM
  15. Katy, you are hilarious! And I have a Lisa Samson food story too! At lunch on Saturday she collected all the uneaten (a.k.a. unwanted) beets from our table, slathered some butter over them, and chowed down. So fun! Huh...you know what? I forgot to tell Mike THAT story. Think he can stand one more? Nah, maybe in a few days!
    Posted by Staci  on  09/26/06  at  05:16 PM
  16. Katy, what a joy it was to meet your precious self in person!
    Posted by Angie Poole  on  09/26/06  at  05:32 PM
  17. So glad to hear you had such a great time, Katy! Welcome back!
    Posted by irene  on  09/26/06  at  08:08 PM
  18. Katy, it was indeed a pleasure to see you in Dallas. You make everyone smile...all the time..and it's just the coolest. Thanks.
    Posted by michael snyder  on  09/26/06  at  09:47 PM
  19. Staci----Eeeeewwwww!!! IMO, the only kind of beet is an unwanted beet! I was made to eat beets and all other ungodly root vegetables (rutabega and turnip) by my poor Scottish immigrant father. Lisa's hubby posted a beet recipe on his website one day and I nearly disfellowshipped him. :)
    Posted by Katy  on  09/27/06  at  06:18 AM
  20. Hello, my Irish-lass Friend! How are you?? I'm so glad you posted your link to the loop so I could visit you here. It was such great fun talking to another *real* Irish gal.

    Be blessed, Katy!
    Posted by Ronie Kendig  on  09/27/06  at  07:46 AM
  21. Another person I did not meet...
    Okay, that settles it. Before conference next year, I am taking a class on How NOT to be an Introvert.
    And I'll come with a list of people I need to meet and go round looking at everybody's nametags...although that could get annoying...but I am rambling, so I'll stop.
    Sorry we didn't meet. Hopefully next year.
    Posted by Cathy West  on  09/27/06  at  07:50 AM
  22. Angie--SO great to meet you, too. I had an exact picture of you in my mind, but it was based on another Angie I'd known. Why would I even think that??? You are a joy. Of course, so was she....Sheesh.

    Irene--I bet you would have LOVED this conference, my writer friend. You could have won the award for the longest-distance traveler, I think....I'd better get out my world map. You're from Malaysia, and that guy named Russell (like Crowe!) was from Australia.....Wow! I can't do that math!

    Michael #4--I KNEW I loved you. In God's way, of course. (That's the line my kids always said when I asked them if they had a crush on someone...) You're a pretty darned cheerful kid yourself. :)

    Ronie--Yay!!! I LOVED chatting with you about our long-lost Irish ancestors. Actually, ours are short-lost, huh? But hang in there! You may find yours, yet. We real Irish gals will stick together, babe.
    Posted by Katy  on  09/27/06  at  07:57 AM
  23. Cathy--Uh! I see your posts all the time. But you are right--we didn't meet. OK--I was one of those pesky ticket-takers at breakfast on both Friday and Saturday mornings. But I HATE staring at people's name tags, don't you? It always feels like we have to navigate lots of rough water on the tagee's old bod to actually arrive at the name. Of course, I won't wear t-shirts with slogans, either. "Not much to see here, people! Move along!!!" :) We'll meet next time. I will be the one staring at your chest. Sheesh.
    Posted by Katy  on  09/27/06  at  08:01 AM
  24. Katy, you are life's carbonation! You put the bubble in bubbly. And your blog description of the post conference moments are spot-on! I'm still trying to find someone willing to listen to the WHOLE story. Love you, girl. Cynthia
    Posted by cynthia  on  09/27/06  at  08:23 AM
  25. Dear Katy McKenna (and that other name ...)

    What a blast to meet you -- and I could not agree more about beets! When I saw those on my plate I objected vociferously. My dw snagged them off my plate and joyfully ate them. What did I ever see in that woman?!? Only my whole entire world, I guess...sigh.
    Posted by Mike Ehret  on  09/27/06  at  08:34 AM
  26. Cynthia--You are another of my "twins." (Waving at Suzan!) I wished we could have spent more time together this year! I LOVED your worship leading with Rachel. Downright anointed. Worth the price of the conference, but fortunately the Holy Spirit doesn't charge.... Love you!

    Dear Michael #5 of the Michaels Who Comment on Fallible--Ta-da! I've waited a full year for the Fifth Michael to show up!! (Snyder is #4). Michael Duran emailed me to say he'd popped over here yesterday, but he didn't leave a comment. If I could lure him to do so, he would be Michael Number Six. Hmmm....How to lure???

    What you said about your wife? Possibly the most romantic comment left at fallible EVER--not counting those left by my hubby Doug. Thank you for writing such a beautiful phrase. Sigh, indeed.
    Posted by Katy  on  09/27/06  at  09:05 AM
  27. I'm not married and didn't go to ACFW this year (insert pout here), but my brother-in-law responds the same way to my sister when she comes home from RWA conferences. Too funny, it's a universal thing with the husbands, huh?
    Posted by Lara Spiker  on  09/27/06  at  09:16 AM
  28. Great blog! I understand completely. My own dear hubby had a very similar glazing experience. Here's a thought - maybe while we're at conference next year, the spouses can have them own conference, on how to handle us when we get home! hehe
    Posted by Betsy St. Amant  on  09/27/06  at  09:20 AM
  29. ACFW was awesome. And I loved the early bird, too. God is so good.
    Posted by Cara Putman  on  09/27/06  at  09:20 AM
  30. Lara--So you and your sister are both writers? How cool is that? My baby sister and I are the writers in the family, though the other three sibs could all make it happen, too. I hope you and I get to meet, perhaps next year??

    Betsy--GREAT idea. They could form the Big Honkin' Husbands Club!!! (Like the Scared-of-Brandilyn-Collins-books Big Honkin' Chicken Club). I know my hubby could sure use a support group. ;)

    Cara--We didn't actually get to talk, but I was THRILLED when they announced your hot-off-the-press publishing contract!!! So, so exciting to see you dance and scream your way through the ballroom! Best to you.
    Posted by Katy  on  09/27/06  at  09:57 AM
  31. Katy, I didn't go to conference, but you've just saved a group of marshmallows about to meet their doom in a vat of cocoa, so of course I just had to thank you on their behalf. :O)
    Posted by Tammy Barley  on  09/27/06  at  10:43 AM
  32. Katy, love your blog. Delighted to meet you at the conference and eat with you. You're cute as a button. :)
    Posted by Dee Stewart  on  09/27/06  at  10:51 AM
  33. Katy, I had a fantastic time at ACFW, too! Yay, God!
    Posted by Annette  on  09/27/06  at  10:55 AM
  34. Katy, you conversation sounds just like mine when I got home. Sort of...I don't know...one-sided. But of course it was, we had interesting things to relay! How often can we say that in our lives? It was so great to meet you and put a face to your blog -- you know, a real face, not the photos. ; )
    Posted by Kristin Billerbeck  on  09/27/06  at  11:19 AM
  35. Dear Katy, I must be one of the two people you didn't meet at the ACFW conf.! LOL Hopefully we can meet next year as I can tell we have a lot in common--3 kids, great husband, hot flashes, writing...! I'm gonna bookmark your interesting blog to check out more often. love and prayers, rose
    Posted by rose mccauley  on  09/27/06  at  12:27 PM
  36. Tammy--Ha! For the sake of comment readers, I'll explain that Tammy sank into a deep despression while trying to figure out how to leave a comment. Since said despression could only be cured by drowning mini-marshmallows in a vat of hot choco--and since the guilt over their potential deaths had her all worked-up--she emailed me asking how to leave a few words here!!! Tammy, if you become a regular commenter, those marshes will have to come up with something to occupy their minds besides thoughts of impending doom! :)

    Dee--You are beautiful!!! Loved meeting you, too. Had a hard time when we sat at the same lunch table, though, because I'm so bloomin' deaf. I always have to tell people, cause it hurts my feelings if I imagine that they might think I'm ignoring them! (If we'd sat right next to each other--actually you'd have to sit on my left--I would have talked your ear off! But I'll bet you already figured that out about me, huh?) :)

    Annette--Do you think we met? If not, why did we not? We shall have to correct this next time! Thanks for commenting here!

    Kristin--Girl! I remember hearing Liz Curtis Higgs in a radio interview YEARS ago. I'd not heard of her at that point, but I knew I loved her when she said, "I could talk two hours without a subject." Isn't that the best line EVER? I talked FIVE hours with a subject, but I am completely capable of a marathon without one, too! You may have forgotten that we met last year, too. You sat down across from me in the lobby and we chatted for a good 30 minutes before I knew who you were!! I'm not even sure we had a SUBJECT, but it sure was fun. Love you!
    Posted by Katy  on  09/27/06  at  12:29 PM
  37. Rose--I've always loved your name!!! (first and last) My middle name is Rose. I did NOT see a girl with your name, that's for sure. I would remember! There are quite a few here I have not met, too. The thing is, I am quite shy, and unless I'm mistaken in my memory, most of the folks I met made the first move. Of course, the first move might be that they blinked first, or didn't turn away their gaze when they saw me get off the elevator, or perhaps yet out a little yelp when they stubbed their toe on the couch in the lobby. It doesn't take TOO much to bring me out of my shell, but still. :) We will meet next time, for sure!
    Posted by Katy  on  09/27/06  at  12:36 PM
  38. Katy, it was so great to finally meet you in the bookstore! I loved hearing more about your Irish students. That group in Ireland I was telling you about is IFES--www.ifesireland.org. Check them out!
    Blessings, Melissa
    Posted by Melissa  on  09/27/06  at  12:42 PM
  39. What great fun to see you again, sweet Scottish-Irish Katy. Can't wait until next year.

    Let's both wear some tartan next time!

    My poor dh would relate to yours. He has developed a good, steady nod of the head. And patience as my fog clears during my re-entry.

    Posted by Margo  on  09/27/06  at  01:03 PM
  40. PS, Katy, speaking of bubbly, come find your sweet self among the photos on my blog~
    Posted by Margo  on  09/27/06  at  01:06 PM
  41. You're hilarious, Katy! So much energy! After reading your post, I wanted to take a nap! :-)
    Posted by hunt4books  on  09/27/06  at  01:09 PM
  42. I laughed out loud at the glazed-over expression in your husband's eyes...my DH does the SAME THING to me a lot!

    Hey, sign me up for your giveaway, and THANKS for the heads-up on your blog. It's delightful!

    Merci et Au Revoir!
    Posted by Pattie  on  09/27/06  at  01:45 PM
  43. Katy, I didn't get to meet you at the conference. But I SO know what you mean. I was glad the car trip home was 8 hours! Your comments made me LOL. I want to meet you next year!
    Posted by Lori Chally  on  09/27/06  at  02:20 PM
  44. LOVE your blog! It was great meeting you in Dallas!

    Love, Cheryl Wyatt
    Posted by Cheryl Wyatt  on  09/27/06  at  03:00 PM
  45. I laughed at your post: you've obviously been married a long time! (Or you have the most tolerant of DH's)
    Posted by Judy Grivas  on  09/27/06  at  03:34 PM
  46. I missed the french on your page the first time around! Parlez-vous francais? Je parle un peu.
    Posted by Judy Grivas  on  09/27/06  at  03:37 PM
  47. Your blog is hysterical, Katy! While laughing myself silly, I must say my heart goes out a smidgen to your poor husband. LOL Did anybody's DH/DW tape record the five-hour gush for future blackmail purposes? ;>) Hey! That's an idea--you could sell them as "Mini-conference/Comedy Time." After reading your blog, Katy, I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall during your blow-by-blow!
    Posted by Kathleen  on  09/27/06  at  07:06 PM
  48. I'm jealous, Miss Katy. ALL these incredible friends you have - wow! If we were still back in that all girl's fancy-shmancy high school you attended, you, my dear, would be the Homecoming Queen and Class President and Captain of the Cheer Squad. I guess I better get my blog out of the dusty file it is in and play with it. Maybe someday I will be as popular as you. In the meantime, it's nice to ride on your coattails - pretty breezy back here, but nice.

    I'm actually feeling quite honored to say that Katy McKenna Raymond is truly my dear friend and close traveling buddy and bed-sharing-in-a-hotel-pinch friend!! I am one blessed chick. I have you!!

    Big hugs - your biggest fan!
    Posted by Kath  on  09/27/06  at  08:32 PM
  49. Melissa--I'm so glad we hooked up! You're just fortunate I didn't have my jammies on, since I'd forgotten about the late-nite bookstore tear-down. Sheesh. Love your passion for all people Irish. I will check out the link you've provided. Thanks!

    Margo--Still haven't forgotten the sassy toss of a tartan you did in front of Chip MacGregor. I think he was prepared to concede the battle right there! ha. Loved the pics you took, and the cool slide show. I am NOT a great pic taker, hence no pics here!

    Diann Hunt4Books--I emailed you to clear up that "so much energy" thing. Three things must give people that first impression--the turned up nose, the freckles, and the ever-moving mouth. But, truly, I'm pathetic in the energy dept. I so understand the nap thing. Hope it was a good one!
    Posted by Katy  on  09/28/06  at  04:46 AM
  50. Oooh-la-la, Pattie--Thanks for visiting here! Our fellows should all get together, don't you think? What a group that would be!!

    Lori--I know you are right. I would remember your very fun name. I could say it over and over and never get over the fun of it. We will look for each other next year, Lori Chally. Oooh, fun!

    Cheryl--GREAT to meet you. Loved that we kept running into each other. And LOVED that you won such a fantastic award. You are an author to be watched, I am sure. Bless you!

    Judy--Girl. I have been married nearly 30 years to the most tolerant of men. However, I am also prone to exaggerating the goofy stuff that happens around here. Not lie, you understand. But stretch it a bit. I tend to make myself look a bit iffier than I actually am, I hope. Doug's a prince no matter what! And oui, I manage to parle un peu, aussi. Doug listens to French CDs in the car and is rapidly overtaking my 4 years of high school French!

    Kathleen--Girl! I know. Poor Doug! Believe me, I feel for him, too. Amazing how he's managed to hang in there through his trials, but I have to believe his faith is stronger because of it.... :) Were you at the Conf? I kept looking for you!

    Kath--We DO know how to have fun, huh? Two years traveling together, and only one attempted swindle. Not bad....I really enjoyed getting "closer" this year, and I gotta say that sleeping in the same bed is DEFINITELY closer!! You were a gem to late me stay with you! Love you thoroughly, girlfriend.
    Posted by Katy  on  09/28/06  at  05:03 AM
  51. Katy, my gorgeous twin sister!!! I loved meeting you in Dallas and rooming with you. What a hoot!! You make me laugh and brighten my spirit. I'm delighted to call you friend. I've been laughing all morning over your blog posts. My hubby had a similar glazed look on the three-hour drive home from Pittsburgh! I think he was thankful when I started to doze off. Great conference, great friendships, but most of all, a Great GOD!!! Love you, babe!
    Posted by Lisa  on  09/28/06  at  06:34 AM
  52. Lisa--Woo hoo! You're here! You're getting in on the tail end of this contest, girl. It's a good thing you live over there on the right coast, so you're up and commenting. :) Loved being your roomie, too, and wearing nearly bio-identical dresses to the banquet. I need to see pics of us! Love you, too.
    Posted by Katy  on  09/28/06  at  06:56 AM
  53. Katy!! Man it was good to see you, friend!! Thanks for the fish.

    And the beets to the rest of you! Ha!

    It was a fabulous conference.
    Posted by lisa  on  09/28/06  at  09:53 AM
  54. Lisa--You are one fun chick, unabated beet-consumption notwithstanding. It was indeed an amazing time. Looking forward on fallible to talking about Straight Up with you! Much love.
    Posted by Katy  on  09/28/06  at  10:21 AM
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