Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Overstepping My Boundaries

You may not have noticed this about me, but it’s possible that I have a few issues with boundaries.

You may be laughing out loud right about now and thinking, “Oh, my gosh! She thinks we don’t know? Isn’t it painfully obvious to everyone and her mother?”

You’re probably right. Evidently, even my mother gets it.

This morning, I called the nurse at her current Funny Farm to ask how Mom’s horribly swollen knee looks today. (I discovered it yesterday, much to Mom’s chagrin, who said, “Stop looking at my leg! And don’t tell the nurse!”)

It would be nice for me if I didn’t know that swollen body parts mean something. If would be lovely for me if I didn’t go home after discovering a swollen body part and google myself into oblivion for the better part of an evening. It would be just swell if I didn’t know that a pulmonary embolism can start with a blood clot in the knee, but alas, I know.

So at 7:30 a.m., I phoned the nurse. “Maybe you shouldn’t give her that flu shot today,” I said, “until we figure out what the swelling is. I may want to pop Mom in the car and take her to the doctor.”

Valerie headed down to Mom’s room to give her an insulin shot and told Mom that I’d called. Minutes later, I called Mom to ask how her knee looked today.

“I am NOT going to the doctor!” she shrieked. “I can’t BELIEVE you called Valerie so early in the morning! You are NOT going to come storming in here this early in the day! There is NOTHING wrong with my knee!”

“OK, Mom. I’ll talk to you later, after you calm down.”

“ME??? I’m CALM! I slept fine, but you told Valerie that you kept waking up thinking about my KNEE! YOU’RE the one who’s not CALM!”

So. I guess she told me, huh? You know that old saying, “I know when I’m not wanted?” Maybe THAT’S what this whole “boundaries” thing is about.

Ya think?

Posted by Katy on 11/04/05 at 09:13 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Mom just called to apologize. She said no one else in there has someone who cares about them so much, and I said, "That's the truth." I told her I was sorry for my obsessive tendencies when it comes to her care.

    An upper-level nurse looked at her leg, and thinks it's OK. I'm not completely sure how one can determine that by looking, but at least for today, I'm backing off. I told Mom that if it's a blood clot that ends up killing her, she won't suffer for long. She appreciated hearing that.

    Doug and I are going to hit the road and enjoy the weather and the leaves and each other.

    Now THERE'S a plan, huh? :)
    Posted by Katy  on  11/04/05  at  10:19 AM
  2. Whenever there's anything wierd or wrong with any of the members of my family, I start doing google searches too, and I end up freaking myself out(and everyone else)... then it turns out to be something that was really no big deal.
    Posted by Pattie  on  11/04/05  at  07:31 PM
  3. Hummmm . . . sounds like you need at retreat to Starbucks! :) I'll meet you there!!!!! I could use one today, too :)
    Posted by Ame  on  11/04/05  at  08:24 PM
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