Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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So tell me this: What does it mean when an otherwise fairly intelligent and verbally competent grown woman latches onto a phrase like "very extremely" and uses it aloud upwards of a dozen times per day?

Have I lost it altogether?
Posted by Katy on 08/16/05 at 07:44 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. My mom likes to say "excellently well". That drives me crazy coz it's such bad English! heehee

    My most overused words are "so", "and" (I'm always starting sentences with "and"), "cool" & "interesting". Not to mention "Oh my God!"
    Posted by irene  on  08/17/05  at  09:09 AM
  2. Irene--I think the rules have changed as far as starting sentences with "And." And I certainly hope they've changed, because of all the rules, that one has always seemed to me the most unreasonable. And I'll bet you think so, too... :)

    I think I like your mother a great deal. "Excellently well" may become my new pet phrase. Except for right now, things aren't going exactly "excellently well," so I'm not sure I'd find as many uses for it currently as I do for "very extremely."

    Very extremely is coming in mighty handy!
    Posted by Katy  on  08/17/05  at  02:06 PM
  3. I fell into the morass of saying "clearly" many, many times a day while on vacation in Florida this summer. I was sick of it right away. Hope I have not said it since then!
    Posted by mary beth  on  08/17/05  at  08:15 PM
  4. I don't overuse "clearly," but it's not because I'm not thinking it! I think, though, that the thoughts I'd add "clearly" to probably aren't ones that others would find clear at all... ;)

    For instance: "I clearly haven't used the phrase 'very extremely' often enough today."

    It's good you caught yourself! I'm not so swift, I'm afraid...
    Posted by Katy  on  08/17/05  at  09:03 PM
  5. That last comment was "clearly" directed to Mary Beth!
    Posted by Katy  on  08/17/05  at  09:03 PM
  6. Hideous word combinations are fun... Obviously I learned my English at school because in Finland for some weird reason people normally speak Finnish. But I still remember many things my old Finnish teacher used to hate - which made her eyes roll *grin*

    So when (not if!) I make up "illegal" word combinations like (freely translated from the Finnish words) "horribly terribly dreadful" I can still see in my mind how her ice blue eyes make their upset moves under the snow white fringe. And it was over 20 years ago!!!

    "Very extremely" and "excellently well" sound just lovely to me :D

    Thanks for the late night smile :)
    Posted by eija  on  08/17/05  at  10:34 PM
  7. Eija--Another woman after my own heart! I am not used to mutilating the language, but recently find myself accomplishing it with reckless abandon. The more ly words the better, I say!! Why should something be described as merely "horribly terribly dreadful"? Why not horribly terribly irreversibly dreadful?

    And how about some very extremely passive verbs thrown in for good measure? To be, or not to be, should still be the question.

    Mary Beth and Eija--your sites are positively excellently enjoyable! Thanks.
    Posted by Katy  on  08/17/05  at  11:05 PM
  8. I'd say - time to take a nap :)

    absolutely mindblogglingly overdue I think !!!
    Posted by Lorna  on  08/18/05  at  05:38 PM
  9. Lorna--Oooh...Mindblogglingly is a very extremely good word! I'm still trying to make my way around your sites. Are you the same lady as Eija? Please advise! Thanks. :)
    Posted by Katy  on  08/19/05  at  03:21 AM
  10. I'm giving up. I've been trying to post a longish *blush* answer to your question, but it just won't come through.

    Anyway: No, Lorna is Lorna and eija is eija.
    Lorna writes see-through faith and publishes her sermons in Open pulpit.
    I write invisible and publish my photos in Scenes from God's world.

    I'm very Finnish, from the beginning, but Lorna comes from UK, lives in Finland now with her Finnish husband and kids.

    Blessings from

    Posted by eija  on  08/26/05  at  08:13 AM
  11. eija--Thank you! I'm so pleased to "meet" both you and Lorna, and to read your blogs and view your pics. As far as I am aware, you are my only readers in Finland! Thanks for clarifying, eija...
    Posted by Katy  on  08/26/05  at  02:05 PM
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